The Dude vs Hopkins

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The Dude began making more Outlaw Bikers and Greaser Culture was revived and came Security Guards Gangs and Ex Army Gang and Paramilitary Gang too.

Tony Hopkins broke my house yelling " where is The Dude " and my wife angrily beat him up and down very badly and his guys too breaking their hands and legs at the same time.

I laughed thinking what young men and women ain't rowdy and came Stephan Martin arresting him and stopping her from beating more people.

Tony Hopkins was bailed later and he called me out to a fight and we decided to go after him and he came with Machine Guns and I called saying " if we are using guns than let's use Proper Guns " and came out Rocket Launcher and Bazooka and Rifles and Stephan Martin and Blake Boteler came across by and told us to stop and told us that this shot isn't going to bring anything.

Tony Hopkins decided to attack me one on one and in ten seconds of the fight I knocked him out and slammed him on Blake Boteler and defeated him and he was taken aback by Horsemen MC and I told them to go back to their families, Steve Cook and Jim Wattles were there too.

William Richards was next.

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