thirty three

546 21 2

Chapter 33

Two days later...

Yiyeon stretched her arms as she placed her pen down. She looked around and noticed that some of her classmates looked distressed.

I would be acting worse if I hadn't studied.

"Yiyeon-ah!" She turned around and noticed her classmate, Somin, approaching her. She looked like she was about to cry, and it startled her. "M-May I know what your answer was in Test 2, number one? The question with the building diagrams?"

"Oh, the angle of depression question?" Yiyeon asked, and she nodded. Then, Yiyeon took her scratch paper and looked for her solution on the said item. "Uhm, my answer was 22.0911."

Somin's eyes widened, "Some of our classmates have answered the same as you, but some of us have answered 54.2033."

Yiyeon laughed awkwardly because honestly, why the fuck would she care about others' answers? "O-Oh, um, I'm not sure about my answer, though... maybe your answer's correct."

The girl smiled and went to another person.

"What the fuck is with Somin?" Daewon whispered. "Did she asked for your answer, too?"

Yiyeon nodded, "Yeah, and honestly, is she threatened that the rest of us might get higher scores than her?" She scoffed. "I just did what was discussed, and I don't give a damn if it's wrong, as long as I had an answer."

"Right?" Daewon chuckled. "What's funny is that my answer to that question was 1,429.11, and I don't know how the fuck I got it."

"What the hell, Daewon?" She laughed. "Yejin's probably suffering because of the same question. While Yangyang's having the time of his life while answering math problems."

The bell rang, signaling that midterm examinations are over. Yiyeon and Daewon passed their papers, and they could only sigh upon leaving the classroom. The weight of having to take their midterm examination was finally lifted off of their shoulders.

"I can finally practice without worrying about anything," Daewon said, relief drawn all over his face. "By the way, it's almost Yangyang's birthday. Should we do a surprise?"

She shook her head, "He hates surprises, remember?" Yiyeon chuckled. "Besides, he always throws parties at their house, so doing a surprise would be a waste."

"You're right," Daewon nodded. "Speak of the devil," He looked at the people approaching them. They just came out of their classroom. "Yejin! Yangyang!"

"Let's all eat outside!" Yejin skipped towards them, leaving Yangyang behind, "I know that you guys have your club activities in the afternoon. Jeongmin and I are the only ones who don't have club activities."

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