thirty one

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I'm back after quite a long break! Are you guys watching the Olympics? As for me, I've been watching Japan's men's volleyball team way before the Olympics happened, and I'm so proud of their growth. Seeing them lose all sets today to Brazil made my heart shatter. Nevertheless, I'm still proud of them! (Also, to my fellow Haikyu!! fans! I guess we won't be seeing the Japan vs. Argentina match we've been longing to see, huh? T.T)

Also proud to our very own Carlos Edriel Yulo for finishing 4th at the men's vault event yesterday! I'm so thankful for him breaking the stereotype that gymnastics are only for girls. Same for Miss Hidilyn Diaz for bagging the gold medal for the weightlifting competition! Clearly, men can do anything as good as women do, and likewise, women can also do anything that men can do!

Sorry for the long intro! Onto the update~~


Chapter 31

"I didn't know that noona had other friends outside campus," Jisung whispered. "And they seem, I don't know—really special for Yiyeon-noona, to think that she worked under time to meet him," the youngest among them shrugged. "Maybe I'm only surprised."

"It makes sense, Jisung, don't worry," Jaemin chuckled. "It doesn't matter, though. They look like good people, don't you think?" His eyes landed on Renjun, who looked like he was thinking of something, but he couldn't figure out what it was. "Why do you look like that?"

"Look like what?" Renjun asked, not looking at Jaemin.

The other boy shrugged as he started to walk back, along with Jisung. "I don't know, but it looked like you were about to commit a felony or some sort," he snorted, earning a kick on his left shin, courtesy of Renjun.

Jaemin groaned in pain as he held on to a post. Renjun could only shake his head as he continued walking. Jaemin followed them shortly after he got his breath back. 

"The girl looked oddly familiar for a reason," Renjun said as he rubbed his chin. "It's like I have seen her somewhere. I'm just not sure where..."

They entered the club room and continued what they were doing. 

Jisung and Jaemin suddenly looked at Renjun when he clapped his hands once as if he remembered something. "If I remember correctly, she was also in the volleyball team during middle school," he rubbed his chin and tried to remember the games they have watched. "Ah! Park Yunseo, the captain!"  Renjun snapped his fingers.

"Then who's the guy?" Jaemin asked.

Renjun shrugged, "That, I don't know."

Jaemin and Jisung threw knowing glances at each other.

"Don't give me that look," Renjun snorted. "It's up to you guys if you want to tell Jeno. I'm out of the conversation."

Renjun was still uneasy.


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