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happy 1k, my loves <33


Chapter 17

"Yangyang? Dear?" The boy looked at the door to see his mom holding a tray with snacks on it. "Can I come in?" He nodded and quickly removed his earphones.

His mom placed the tray on his study table as she sat on the edge of Yangyang's bed. He stood up and sat beside her.

"Is something up with school these days? You've been coming home earlier than usual," she asked, patting his shoulder. "Not that I have forgotten that you went home at nine in the evening, though." She asked, using their mother tongue.

The boy scratched the back of his nape as he thought of the words to say. "Everything's alright with school, don't worry..." he said and tried to smile at her.

She raised a brow and looked at him, "You're my son. You aren't fooling anybody here aside from yourself," she chuckled. "Now spill."

Yangyang laid on his bed and sighed, "I don't know what's happening with me, mom." He stared at his ceiling for a couple of seconds before his mom replied.

"I can't tell you anything unless you give me context, you know?" She chuckled.

"Well, you're aware of my unrequited feelings for Yiyeon, right?" He asked. "These days, I've been avoiding her. Honestly, I don't know why, but I want to clear my mind and get rid of these feelings as soon as possible."

"Why get rid of it? Why won't you tell her? Wouldn't it be easier than forcing those feelings to stop?" She asked with a smile on her face. 

"I... It's just better this way, mom," he sighed and sat down. "Besides, I think she still has feelings left for her ex-boyfriend, Jeno."

"Isn't Jeno also your friend?"

Yangyang nods. "That's why it's difficult. I also want to tell her how I feel. I mean, I'm ready to get rejected. I know my place. I'm just her best friend and will always be her best friend."

His mom ruffled his hair and smiled at him, "You know, it's perfectly normal to feel that way. But don't you think that it would be better if you tell her? I know that you want to get rid of those feelings, but you won't be able to get rid of them if you don't say them."

Yangyang stops talking. 

She was right. He has to tell her.

Not that Yiyeon wouldn't know, anyways. Yangyang knows that someone will tell her, one way or another.

And he's bracing himself for the heartbreak he would feel after.

His mom stood up, "I'm just here to give you some pieces of advice. It's your life, anyways. Your choice." She smiled. "I'm always here for you no matter what happens, okay?"

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