𝟑 | 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠

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"Mina, mina wake up." I dont want to. Im scared

"Mina, he's here wake up"

I slowly open my eyes,adjusting them to the blinding lights. Ah, im in the medical room. Who brought me here?

"Theres a student name Ran? Yeah he's the one who brought you here. He's also waiting outside to bring you home" the nurse smile.

No. She doesnt  know anything.

"Wait you have to help me please. I can i can go home alone please tell that to him plea-

"Why? I thought we're friends, Mina chan? " He walked in with all his glory as he send a sweet smile towards the nurse. " Can we have an alone time please?"  "Oh yeah you can, please take care of her well "

Why does she ignore my pleads? Whats happening. I cant endure him anymore. She left soon after that , leaving me and him all alone in the room.

Silent. No one says a word the only thing could be heard was my heavy breathing.

"Was it not enough of beating? What were you thinking? Asking the nurse for help?" He ask with venom lace in his voice .

"Im sorry i wasnt think-

"You never think. Do you even have a brain? I dont think so" hes angry. I didnt dare to say a word i didnt dare to make any movement .

"Get up. We're leaving"

I dont know where to go but i didnt dare to ask. I know he's not done with me.

He walk ahead of me. With hands in both pocket, with a deadly aura surrounding him.

We're walking to his car? I see him getting to the front passenger seat, but i didnt know what to do next. His butler was ready to open the back passenger door for me but before i could thank him and get in, he spoke.

"You. Walk."

What? But isnt his house far? But i didnt dare to ask. I silently nod as his car engine roars , moving ahead of me.

It was fast, but it wasnt slow. Most importantly, i cant catch up to it. I use all my enegry but i just couldnt. Right before i could make it to another street, i passed out. Again.

I woke up to being kick at the stomach with full force. I slowly come back to life. I blink slowly, taking in my situation. I was in a basement. Ran and Rindou was infront of me. With sinister looks on their face.

"Welcome home, Mina chan"

But it was welcoming at all. The night is full of them beating me again with a metal cord and a baseball bat . They punched me, slap me and did more abusing stuff that i lose count how many times my body fall onto the cold tile unconciously.

It made me realised that i have to run away. I have to hide. I have to go far away from these brothers. Especially Ran.

But that wasnt the worst part of that night.

After they satisfies in beating the shit out of me, they serve me with food. Not just any food. The exact food and decoration ive made for Ran in the past. The bento box, the smiley face on the onigiri and the heart shaped veggies . It was all the same.

"Eat this , Mina chan. We made it with full love" Ran whispered into my right ear.

With trembling hands, i picked up the chopstick and took a bit of the food .

"ACK-" i spat it out.

It burns my tounge, it taste terrible it smells like dog shit.

But he's laughing at me when im in this state. With bloody face, pale skin and bruises all around my body.

"Now you finally know how does your own cooking taste like huh? It TASTE LIKE SHIT" he continue laughing like a maniac.

I want to die. I want to cry till i die . But i dont want him to be satisfied. So i kept it in and continue eating the food.

He looked at me like ive grown two heads.

"Youre still eating that? Are you insane?!"

"Yes maybe i am." I said looking at him straight in the eye.  He snickered at me , disgust in his eyes.

He looked at me the last time before he walked towards the door with Rin following close behind him .

"I hope youre ready for tomorrow because we arent finish. You can never get out of here alive" was the last thing he said before leaving me here alone.

The basement how do i say , it looks like a slaughter room .

There was blood all over the floor. There are many dangerous, sharp killing weapons and guns.

I know the Haitani Brothers are ruthless but how many people have ended here before me? I shivered at the thought.

I know theres no point in trying to get out so i just laid on the cold tile. Next to some boxes wheres there less blood .

Suddently, i heard a whistle. A whistle? And then a door in the basement opened by itself .

Thanks to the energy i gained from the disastrous food, i made my way to the door .

As soon as i get close to it, i realised someone opened it out for me to run away. But who?

" Run. And never come back. You have to live, young child"

Who- i looked to my right and saw an old woman dressed in a vintage outfit.

"Run. And never come back" was the last thing she said before i sprinted out towards the forest behind the mansion.

"Yes, i will never come back. Not after all of this . I'll change everything , everything. I'll never forget what you did to me Ran and i will never forgive you for this"

𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐧 & 𝐁𝐫𝐮𝐢𝐬𝐞𝐬 | 𝐇𝐚𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐢 𝐑𝐚𝐧 [𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐋𝐄𝐓𝐄𝐃]Where stories live. Discover now