The Library

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Tom smiles, crossing his arms in front of him. "Gave a speech to one of my old classes. Might I ask why you're so dressed up?" He brought his left hand over his mouth running his fingers over his lips.

She paused for a moment, taking in the delicious sight before her. "I was out all night, party. I couldn't sleep and when I can't sleep, I read," Looks up and around "This was the first opened library in town." looks down. "Silly I suppose."

Tom takes a step closer. "No not at all, I'm the same way." 

She looks up at him. "Yeah?" He nods. 

She could feel her heart beating faster as his eyes peered down at her. God he was gorgeous. She couldn't help but bite her lower lip.

He didn't know why he did what he did next. He only just meet her. He wasn't sure if he was taking in but the mere beauty of her, or her scent of jasmine and her natural aroma or the sensual biting of her lip but he took another step forward capturing her lips. She was caught off guard. Why in the world am I kissing a total stranger?  she thought. I mean it wasn't the first time she was with a stranger but this was Tom Freaking Hiddleston. Loki himself for pete's sake. Not that, that mattered to her at all. God he tasted delicious, and that tongue... Her eyes rolled back in her head. She was snapped back from her thoughts when he pulled away.

He was embarrassed, blushing.  "I am so sorry," running his hand through his hair, not making eye contact. "I don't know what came ov.."

before he could finish his sentence, Y/N dropped her shoes, pulled him in by the back of the neck and crashed her mouth against his. They fumbled backward into the book shelf, than further back down the aisle, trying to find the corner of the room, where they'd go unseen. Not breaking the kiss. They found a spot no one could see them. He broke the kiss looking down at her, chests heaving.

"Are you sure?" he asks between heavy breathes. 

She answered by kissing him again. She wasn't sure why she was doing this. It had been nearly a year since him and last night was her first real night out with anybody. He was nice enough, good looking enough but he didn't ignite any spark in her.. not like this. 

Tom picked her up slamming her back against the book shelf behind her. Capturing a moan from her with his tongue. She fought to lift her dress up. Damn this gown, she thought. He lifted her higher, readjusting her so she could work her dress up. 

God, she tastes amazing. Tom worked his way down her jaw to her neck causing her moans and mews from her. He worked his way to her breasts. Not large but a handful. Perfect. He could feel the restraint in his trousers get uncomfortable. He worked at his belt with one hand and the other keeping her against the shelf. He pulled his clothing down enough to get the job done. Not wasting time he pushed her panties to the side, and pushed in her with intensity. He was a large man not just in length but girth. Her head fell back as she swallowed a moan. They had to remember where they were at. He captured her mouth again as he began to pound hard and fast in her. He tasted of toothpaste and coffee. He smelled manly yet distinguished. Grabbing the hand that was gripping the back of his neck he pinned it up above her head against the shelf.

 Making long, slow thrusts now, he bowed down and whispered in her ear. "How do you like it my pet?" He wasn't asking if it felt good. He knew what he was doing. He knew by her moans and heavy breaths she was enjoying it. He wanted to know how she liked to be fucked. He wanted to bring her to the brink like she's never been before.

She couldn't help but moan at his words, He fucked like a God. His voice like cocaine, addicting. The word pet leaving his lips were enough to make her cum. His pet. It sounded almost like he was claiming her. It was getting hard to control her breathing. He was slowing down. She gave him a look to let him know she wanted more. 

"I asked you a question," He whispered again. "I won't give you what you want unless you answer me." He had stopped moving. His hot breath hit her neck sending shivers across her body. "Now be a good lil pet and answer me." He growled in a deep dark tone.

"I want more" She moaned. 

"Good girl," He smiled against her ear. "How do you like?" He asked once more. 

"Hard and slow." She moaned in his ear.

He began again pulling as much as he could out and slamming back into her over and over. He was loving the feel of her tightening around his cock every time he filled her. He knew she was close, he knew HE was close. He put her down again. Not breaking eye contact. He smiled as he knelt down in front of her. His large hand roaming up her dress and pulling off her underwear entirely. With a proud smirk he shoved her lace garments into his pocket, almost as a reward. Giving her one last smile he disappeared under her dress. She moaned a little louder this time time as his tongue found her dripping opening. 

Peaking back from under her dress, "Quiet or I'll have to gag you." She smiled at him as he disappeared under her gown again. His next move made her yelp. In one swift movement both her legs were on his shoulders and he was standing up. Her head closer to the ceiling than it's ever been. God, did he know his way around a woman's most discreet area. She held on to anything she could grab. She had one hand on the highest book shelf, the other his curly waves. He moaned against her thigh. Grasping her ass. It was large, not like her breast. He was ass man anyway. He gripped with all his might, causing a loud moan from her. 

"Silence or I'll stop." He hummed against her lips. 

She bit her lip as hard as she could to keep from becoming louder. She had no control over it, what he was doing to her body, the shaking and breathing. No control. With past lovers it was never this intense, she could always control it no matter how good it was. With Tom, with Tom it was different. She bucked against his mouth, urging for more. After a minute, she asked him to stop.

He looked up at her confused, "Everything okay?"

"Put me down" He did so immediately.

"What's wrong my pet?" It was a little less possessive this time.

"This seems a bit one sided." She smirked pushing him back into the shelf. Looking down at his still hard cock in all it's glory. "Say it." She almost demanded.

"Say what?" He replied.

"Say it." she retorted.

He looked down and back up at her, straightening his stance. He knew what she wanted. "Kneel." His voice was deep, seductive and demanding.

She grinned proudly, adjusting her hair behind her. She was happy he understood her request. "Yes sir." She gave a playful smile before kneeling. He watched as she kneeled before him, making his cock twitch. She took him in her hands, or rather what she could. He was more than two hands could hold. She wanted him to beg for it. "Now what?" She smirk stroking him.

His breath hitched as he looked down at her, "Pleasure me." 

She took all she could into her mouth. He groaned throwing his head back. 

"Now, Tom" she purred. "Don't make me gag you." She smirked before taking him back into her mouth. Licking and sucking at just the right intensity that he loved. Humming as he hit the back of her throat. He was close he could feel it, grabbing handfuls of her hair he gently forced more into her mouth. She smiled internally. Intensifying her movements. She felt a familiar tightening of his cock and began to suck hard and faster.

"Shit," He breathed heavily, gasping as he filled her mouth. He was frustrated with himself for not getting her off

Smirking, satisfied. She took up, wiping the corners of her mouth. Adjusting her gown. she walked to the empty desk a few feet away from them while he adjusted himself. Writing something on a small piece of paper, walking back and handing it to him before disappearing around the corner. 

"Wait, I--" He peered around the corning, she was gone.

He looked at the paper, "Tomorrow 1pm"  with an address. He grinned putting it in his pocket, feeling the lace in his pocket as he did so. smirking he walked out.

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