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Tom and Y/N ate, watched television, and passed out on the couch. Tom had nightmarish flashbacks of the event and woke up in a sweat. He sat up panting to find himself alone on the couch but the kitchen light on, he makes his way to the kitchen.

Y/N was leaning against the counter. "Hey." Tom whispers walking in, "Couldn't sleep?"

"Not really. I didn't wake you di-" She finally looks up at him. "Are you okay?" She takes a step forward with a concerning brow. "Nightmare?" She asks calmly as she places her hand against his cheek. 

"Yeah, it was just flashes of last night and woke up to the sound of a gunshot," Tom answered, with a soft smile. 

"I'm so sorry I know I scared you when I pulled my gun last night."

"You didn't. I mean you surprised me but you didn't scare me."

"Yes, I did. You've barely looked at me since then. I get it. I should've told you I even had one in my place, but I'm a single woman in New York. I promise it's for protection only."

"Well, you aren't exactly single."

Y/N "Thank god for that." She grins at him.

He takes a step forward toward her. "My thoughts exactly," He wraps his arms around her. 

"Hungry?" She asks plainly.

"Not for food." Tom grinned, swiftly picks her up, and throws her over his shoulder, causing a squel from Y/N and devilish laugh from him. 

Tom and Y/N spend the rest of the early morning on the couch, having one glorious orgasm after another. Hours later, Tom woke up to Y/N playing with his wavy locks and his head between Y/N's thighs.

"Morning handsome," Y/N said with a yawn. "How'd you sleep?"

"Mmm no," Tom snuggled against her thigh. "More sleep. But with my head here. It's my favorite pillow," He looks down grinning. "I slept, AMAZING!!" 

She couldn't help but laugh. She closed her eyes but immediately opened them when she felt him begin to kiss up her inner thigh.

"Tom as much as I love your work, we need to..." She was immediately cut off when he found his target. Her back curved up and a moan escaped her mouth.He hummed against her clit. "What was that?"

"Nothing!" Her back arched again, "Don't stop."

He proudly grinned and continued to work on her next orgasm. She could feel him growing against her lower leg. He would attend to that once he accomplished his first goal. Her breathing became more ragged and her moans louder. Y/N gripped the cushions around her, toes curling, becoming so close.

She screamed out his name at the climax. Tom gave her a naughty grin as he wiped the corner of his mouth. Her chest rising and falling quickly, he couldn't help putting a nipple in his mouth and the other in between his fingers. Before she could steady her breath, Tom was throwing her ankles over his shoulders, and lining his hard erection with her entrance. 

He waited for her eyes to catch him, and for her approval. With a nod, he slid inside her still-soaked entrance. Pounding rapidly before she quickly pushed him down and climbed on top. Tom arched his back as he bucked his hips upwards hitting her spot just right as she rode him just how he liked. It wasn't long before Tom could feel his climax becoming closer. 

Together they reached bliss. Panting and sweating lying opposite of each other. 


Tom looked up, "I could eat."

"Oh, I know that Mr. Hiddleston." 

They both threw their heads back with laughter.

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