Conocer a la familia

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The ride to her parents was quiet. Y/N held his hand, noticing it feels clammy. 

"Be yourself and they are going to love you."

"How do you know that?"

"I just know." She answered, giving his hand a squeeze. 

"Oh, did you tell them I was coming?" He asked worried.

"Shoot! I knew I forgot something."

"That isn't funny."

"It's adorable how nervous you are. Of course I told them.. sorta!"

"What do you mean sorta?"

"Well, I told them I was bringing a guy home, I just didn't specify who."

"Trying to keep me a secret?"

"Tom if I was keeping you a secret, would I even bring you to meet them?" She asked with a questioning brow.

"I suppose not." 

She gave him a peck on the cheek as they pulled up to her parent's place.

"You ready?"

"I supposed so." He got out making his way around the back of the car to open her door. 

"Thank you." She said, smiling.


Tom took her hand and walked up to her parents front gate. There was an incredible Halloween decoration up from the front lawn to the porch and even the roof.

"You should see it at night, all lit up. By the way, I apologize for my family." Y/N stated breaking his concentration. Y/N opened the front door, still holding his hand with the other. "It's me!" She called out. 

"Mi hija!" A man came from around a corner. "Look at you." He walked up and gave her a hug.

"Hey dad, this is Thomas, Tom this is my dad, Miguel."

"Pleasure to you meet you sir." He held out his hand to shake her father's.

He took it and smiled. "You as well, come in, come." He shut the door behind them. "Everybody is either in the kitchen or out back."

They made their way towards the kitchen. "The fun has ariiiiiiived!" Y/N called out as she walked into the kitchen archway. Tom couldn't help but chuckle behind her.  She once again, grabbed his hand again. "Everybody this is,"

She was cut off bye a gentleman who looked like a buffer male version of her. Must be one of her brother's, he thought

"Holy shit, your Tom Hiddleston!" He said walking around the island. "Y/N why didn't you mention you were dating Tom?"

"Jeremiah!" She almost yelled. "Don't be rude. Besides it's not important."

One of her sister's spoke up. "You're dating one of my favorite Marvel characters and you don't mention it."

Y/N looks embarrassingly over to Tom. "I'm so sorry." She whispers, he just smiles back. 

"Lucia, he plays one of your favorite character's, he's not actually Loki." She quipped, annoyed.

Just than Y/N's mom came in. 

"Mi jita!" She gave her daughter a hug, looking over to Tom. "Is this your new novio?"

"Yes. Mom this is Tom. Babe this is my mom, Marlena."

"He's a famous actor!!" Another added excitedly. 

"Okay!" Y/N put her hands up in the air. "Yes, Tom is a famous actor. Yes, it's exciting but ya'll need to treat him normal."

Before another word was spoken Marlena gave her 'mom look' to her children. "Who here isn't welcoming Thomas the way they were raised to welcome a guest?"

In complete unison every one replied. "Sorry, Mama'."

 Tom was use to it, but rather impressed how protective Y/N was, and her mom.. wow, obviously not a woman to be messed with.

"It's okay ma'am. I've quiet use to it."

"No matter. My children know better," giving them a side eye. "You may be use to it, and that's fine but here we don't want you to feel like a quote, unquote celeb. Here, you are family." Tom smiled at the thought. She turned back to her children. "Isn't that right?" They all nodded.

 He went around shaking everyone's hand, asking about each and every one of her siblings and in laws jobs and hobbies. Joking and even taking pictures when Marlena wasn't looking. 

Y/N just stood there just watching him in awe, she could see her family really get delighted by him. He was after all incredibly charming. 

"Tom," Y/N's brother Javier yelled with his head deep in the refrigerator. "What would you like to drink? We got different beer's, tequila, whiskey, vodka, we got stuff for mixers. Water..." he trailed on.

"I'll take a ale." Tom called back, Javier handed him one. "Thank you." 

"No problem." 

"So Tom, how'd you meet my sister?" her sister, Nolita asked.

"At a library in Cambridge."

"How long have you two been together?" Her other sister Ana asked.

"Not long," He smiled down at, and pulled Y/N next to his side. "I kind of surprised her on this trip." He bent down and gave her a kiss. 

The next few hours were spent laughing and joking, eating delicious food, sharing stories and life experiences. Y/N was right, her family loved him. He charmed the woman in her family, and impressed the men. Tom and Y/N left her parent's around 8:30 at night. 

"So, what do you think?" She smiled.

"They were nice. You and your family seem close."

"Yeah, I think they're fans."

He laughs, holding the car door open for her. "Well, the feeling is mutual."

She grins, getting in and sliding over. "I can't wait until tomorrow."

"Oh, it's going to be a fright." He laughs getting in behind her.


Sorry so short. Next chapter is focused on the Halloween party and will be longer.

 Again, thank you for the views. Any comments good or bad is greatly appreciated. 

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