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It's been a week, Y/N sat in her apartment at her computer desk with an acoustic guitar in her arms. Dressed only in a fluffy sweater, panties, and fuzzy socks. Her hair still damp from the shower. Her voice softly echoing throughout her phone.

"I pretended I'm glad you went away

These four walls closin' more every day
And I'm dying inside
And nobody knows it but me
Like a clown I put on a show
The pain is real even if nobody knows
And I'm crying insid

And nobody knows it but me"

Her voice echoed throughout her loft when her phone began to vibrate on the desk next to her. Her fingers on her right hand left the strings picked the phone up. It was a face time request from Tom.

She quickly checked her self out in the little mirror on her desk before answering.

"Hey handsome!" 

"Well, hello my gorgeous girl." He gave her a curious look with a puckered brow. "Is that a guitar in your lap?"

"Yes it is. How are you?"

"You play?" He asked.

"No, I hold it to take cute pictures." She answers sarcastically.

"Play me something. Please?"

"No. I only play for those I am one million percent comfortable with."

"Ouch." Tom gave a hurt look.  

"I didn't mean it like that. I'm very particular about who hears me sing. Sorry."

"It's okay, I get it. I just wanted to let you know I booked a late flight for Tuesday the 23rd."

"Oh'kay love. You could've texted me."

"I wanted to see your face. Was it a bad idea?" Tom gave a puppy dog look.

"No, I miss seeing your sexy face." She smiles seeing Tom blush. "I miss seeing your sexy everything." 

Tom blushed harder. "I miss seeing your everything too." He laughs."

"I can't wait to see you." Y/N gives a flirty look.

"Hmm Why's that?"

"There's a lot of naughty things I wanna do to you." She laughs.

"Like what?"

"Oh you'll see Mr. Hiddleston, you will see."

"So I can change my flight for tonight."

They both laugh. 

"Oh, love but the anticipation makes it that much better."

"That's true."

"Only couple more weeks. How's Bobby?"

"He is good. Playing in the back yard."

''Are you bringing him with you?"

"I didn't know if that'd be okay."

"Why wouldn't it be? I mean I got to meet him to impress him." She laughs.

"Yeah? Well he's not easily impressed."

"Well dogs love me, so we'll see."

He laughs. "Okay, i'll bring him." He smiles.

"Good. I know how much he means to you and I feel it's important."

Tom smiles. He loved how she wanted to be part of his world. He just had to be careful and take it slow on who in his life, Y/N meets. 

"Okay, we'll talk later than love?" He asks

"Course." She smiles, blowing him a big kiss.

Tom couldn't help but laugh and blow a kiss back. They said later, and hung up.  Y/N continued to play again. 


A little over a week had passed, Tom just landed in NYC. He grabbed his bag and the carrier Bobby was in and headed to the front where Y/N was waiting. There she was leaning against a pick up truck, looking gorgeous, thought Tom.

Y/N ran up and jumped into his arms. He held on tightly as they began to kiss excitedly. He slowly set her back down.

"You ready?" Y/N asked. 

"You can put Bobby in the back seat." 

Tom began to lift the kennel. 

Y/N stopped him. "I meant him out of the crate, I'm sure he's had a long flight in that thing and needs to stretch his legs out of that thing." 

Tom smiled at her. And let Bobby out, he ran straight to Y/N. She gave him her hand to smell, he did and began to wag his tail in acceptance. 

Y/N began to pet him. "It's nice to meet you too" She began to give him ear scratches. "He looks exactly like my childhood dog Cocoa, expect Cocoa was shorter. Same fur and color."


"Yeah. Let's get going."

Tom put his bag and kennel in the bed of the truck and opened the back doors for Bobby to jump in before getting in the passenger side. They took off, about two minutes down the road, Bobby began begging to get in the front.

"Sorry boy, I don't think you're allowed up here." He began giving him pets.

"Says who? He's fine," Y/N laughs. "Go ahead Bobby, jump up here."

He jumped into Tom's lap. He gave Y/N a look which made her laugh.

"What?" Tom asked not seeing it.

"He's giving me eyes like he wants on my lap."

"He's probably just trying to figure you out. He really doesn't take to strangers quickly especially females. Pets is one thing but cuddles and being on your lap is another."

Y/N bit the the corner of her lip before smiling. She took her right arm off the wheel so it was no longer blocking access to her lap, and fixed her glasses. Within a flash he was on her lap. She got a satisfied grin on her face as she began to pet him with her free hand. Tom's eyes grew large causing Y/N to burst into laughter.

"I told you dogs love me. Isn't that right Bobby?" Bobby leaned back and gave her a small lick on the chin before peeking out the window. "Here you go Buddy." She rolled down her window so Bobby could stick his head out.

Tom just sat there, he never saw Bobby click with anyone so fast, other than himself, man or woman. He knew this girl was different, and his best friend just proved it. "Trader." Tom mumbled. 

She laughed, and took her hand away from Bobby's ear, and began playing with the hairs on the back of Tom's head. Causing him to close his eyes. "Oh, don't be that way, he still loves you most." She began scratching his head.

"M'hm, that feels good." Tom pushed his head gently against her hand. "I know, he's my buddy." He opened his eyes and began to pet Bobby. "I am glad you two are getting along though."

"Me too." She smiles.

They arrived at her house shortly after, and got inside. Bobby ran in as soon as she opened the door. 

"Make yourself at home" She laughed.

Bobby ran straight to the pile of dog toys on a dog bed that lay on the floor by her couch. 

"Bobby!" Tom commanded him to stop. "Those aren't for yours, let them be."

Y/N turned around. "Yes they are. I picked him up some stuff so he's comfortable while your here. Can't have the handsome boy bored and without a bed now can we?" She bent down and pet him.

Tom doesn't know why he said what he said next, maybe it was suppressed feelings, or seeing Bobby connect with Y/N, or just a mixture of everything, but it came out. "Marry Me?"

They both stood there, still, and with shocked looks on their faces.

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