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Tom and Y/N went sight seeing that morning. Walking less popular trails looking over the entire city, mountain tops in the distance. It was quite beautiful place Tom must admit. Y/N didn't want to many fans spoiling their day or pictures of them getting out to press. She wasn't ashamed, rather worried if Tom would be okay with everyone in the world knowing he was dating her. Everything with them was sort of new but she couldn't help but feel protective. 

After lunch, a fumble in the sheets, the couple began to get ready for her families party. Y/N was doing her make up in the hotel bathroom mirror while Tom was finishing showering. 

Tom steps out of the walk in shower when he reaches for the shower rack, empty. "Where's my towel?" He asks looking over at her.

She sets down a make up brush, turns around with towel in her hand. "I prefer when you air dry." She quips, waggling her eyebrows while eyeing him up and down.

Looking down at himself than at her. "I'm sure you do." He laughs, holding out his hand out.

She shook her head smiling. "Nuh-uh."  She held the towel close to her chest.

He grinned looking at her deeply, "Now Darling," He growled. "We don't have time, but be a good little girl tonight and I promise you'll be rewarded."

"Yes, love." She began to dry him off. He gave her a kiss.

"I'm going to get dressed."

"I just need to straighten my hair then add the costume and I'll be out."

Fifteen minutes later Y/N walks out in full costume. 

Tom's mouth dropped, as he walks to her, he smiles. Reaching down he grabs her hand and than kisses it. "Cara Mia, you look breathtaking." He begins to kiss up her arm.

Y/N laughs. "Oh, Gomez."

They laugh and share in a kiss. "Well I must say we make a very good looking Morticia and Gomez." 

"Yes we do," They kissed. "Oh, one second." She grabs her phone off the bed. "We have to commemorate this." She held her cell phone camera up and took a few pictures. One of them both smiling and another of Tom kissing her hand. "We're cute." 

He gave an agreeable laugh. They left laughing and joking, getting compliments by other guests and some staff. They arrived at her parents soon after.


The whole neighborhood was lit up, her parent's house had turned into a haunted house, and people were going inside from down the block. Y/N grabbed Tom's hand, "My family will be in the back let's go." They made their way through the crowd. Y/N kept laughing as Tom jumped and screamed. He's been through professional haunted houses and he must admit he was impressed by the level of thought and execution put into it.

They made their way to the back of the house towards the back deck. Tom grabbed her hand, wrapping it around his arm so she held it. The walked tall and proud, and fully in character. 

"Mon Cherie." Y/N whispered against his cheek before gently placing a kiss.

"AAAAHH! I love it!!" Y/N's mom yelled when she saw them. "Best costume by far." 

Y/N and Tom both laughed. 

Y/N's brother Juan quipped. "Tom I think I know the next character you should play."

Everyone laughs. Y/N's sister Nolita chimed in, "Two cocktails coming up."

She came back with two Witches Brew cocktails. "For the love birds."

Tom gave it a quizlike look, but takes a sip. "Oh that's delicious." He looks down to see Y/N is no longer beside him. He can see her walk away towards the corner of the lawn were people were shooting darts. God, look at the way her hips sway when she walks away. 

He found a group playing a drinking game to the left of the yard and decided to join. After winning one round and losing two he searched for Y/N finding her with a group, bobbing for apples. 

"Tom come play against your girl here," Y/N cousin Teresa said. He took off his jacket, handing it to her. "Blindfolds," Teresa handed each of them one. "Now hands behind your back. Whomever has the most apples after twenty seconds wins." 

"You're going down love." Y/N grinned.

"Oh, we'll see about that!" He grinned back.

Teresa looked at her watch. "On your mark, get set.. go!"

There was shouting and cheering. Tom got the first apple, Y/N got two quickly back to back. "10 seconds!" Tom got one, Y/N got one. Tom struggled to grab one in the time Y/N grabbed two more. "Time!" 

They both take off their blindfolds.

"It's Tom's two to Y/N's five. Y/N WINS!!" 

Tom wiped his face with clean towel. "How in the bloody hell did you get five?" 

She walked up, getting on her tippy toes and whispered in his ear. "I'm really good with my mouth."

He pulled her towards him grinning. "Yes you are." 

She smiled as 'Thriller'  came on over the outdoor speakers. "Dance with me Hiddleston, I want to see those snake hips." She grins pulling him to the wood floor they had out for dancing. 

All of Y/N's siblings had made it to the dance floor, some neighbors, and other family member's. In true flash mob mass they all hit the same dance move at the same time, reenacting the Thriller dance. Tom thankful, he grew up listening to Michael Jackson, knew the moves himself and quickly joined. 

People wearing cheering and recording. Luckily no even recognized Tom with his make up, fake mustache and wig. 

A neighbor won best costume, dressed up as Princess Di. Y/N and Tom won best couple costume. They drank and joked for the next hour or two when Y/N's father called him to the center of the lawn. He made his way over. "Thomas, ever play Cornhole?"

Tom looked down at one half of a glow in the dark cornhole set. "Yes sir."

"Good man. Let's do it," he hands him three orange bags. "Head to the other one." He points. 

Both men played and chatted for a little over half an hour before her dad finally asked. "So, Thomas I got to ask. What are you intensions with my daughter?"

Thomas was a bit caught off guard by the question though not surprised. Hey threw one of the bags making it in. "Well sir, honestly I have no set intensions right now. I like your daughter a lot. I love how she can make me laugh in every situation, how we can just sit in complete silence together and be completely content. I love her wit, and her smile. I love her curiosity and her humanity. I enjoy spending time with her, getting to know her," He was cut off.

"You know son, that's a lot of "I love" for a man that has no intensions." He pointed out as he pated his shoulder and walked by him.

Tom froze. 'I couldn't be in love with a woman I met just a measly thirty days ago,' He caught her gaze from across the yard, 'Could I?'

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