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song of the chapter: in the shadows by the rasmus

SAM WAS SITTING on the couch in her cousin's loft and she jumped to her feet when she felt a spiritual pressure in the air.

"Sam?" Sebastian speaks up and the girl ignores him, closing her eyes to focus better.

A familiar feeling that reminds her of late nights and blanket forts follows the pressure she feels "He's here." Sam claims and she opens her eyes.

A knock sounds on the door and Derek opens the door, looking the young Japanese man up and down. Masahiro tilts his head lightly "You must be Derek." He guesses and Derek nods, stepping aside to let the man inside.

Sam winces when Masahiro enters the loft, Kira glancing at her with worry. Sam looks at her old babysitter "Masa, dial it down a notch or three." She requests and the Japanese man pauses.

"Ah, I forgot." Masahiro says somewhat sheepishly before closing his eyes.

Masahiro opens his eyes and Sam relaxes "What was that about?" Sebastian wonders and Masahiro glances at him.

"People like me and Izumi give off this spiritual pressure, we can easily find each other with it and we can control its output. Sam can sense it because of her psychic abilities." Masahiro explains and Victoria looks at him thoughtfully.

"What would happen if you didn't keep it under control?" Victoria inquires and Sam groans when Masahiro looks at her with a raised eyebrow.

Sam reluctantly nods and Masahiro unleashes his pressure, Sam dropping down to one knee almost instantly. Sweat begins to bead on Sam's forehead and she tries to stand up, but it feels as if a heavy weight was pressing down on her.

Masahiro pulls back his pressure and Sam breathes heavily "That- that was a lot stronger than I remember." She comments and Kira helps her up to her feet.

"What does it feel like?" Derek wonders and Sam wipes the sweat off of her forehead.

Sebastian hands his sister a can of Pepsi which she gladly takes "It's like a heavy weight pressing down on you, but you can't get it off because there's actually nothing there." Sam describes and Masahiro nods in agreement.

Kira looks at Masahiro with curiosity "I'm confused, what exactly are you?" She wonders and Masahiro smiles lightly.

"I'm a Spirit Medium, I can see the spirits of the dead." Masahiro answers and Kira blinks in surprise.

"That's cool." She comments and Masahiro nods.

Sam moves over to the couch and she waves the others over "Are we just gonna stand here all day? Sit down." Sam orders and Kira takes a seat next to her.

Sebastian speeds to the kitchen and back, carrying an assortment of snacks and drinks in his hands which he places on the coffee table.

Masahiro chuckles before taking a seat on Sam's left "My abilities have their moments, but it has its downsides as well." He claims and Derek raises an eyebrow at him.

Sam grasps Masahiro's hand in her own, offering him comfort and he smiles at her in thanks.

Masahiro exhales "There are two different types of spirits, peaceful ones and vengeful ones." He explains and Sam squeezes his hand.

"I see peaceful ones almost every day, but vengeful ones very rarely. The first time I saw a peaceful one was when I was 5, but it wasn't until I was 15 that I saw a vengeful one and I wish I never had seen it." He adds, looking down and Sam sighs.

"It killed Masa's entire family." Sam reveals and Kira gasps.

"That's awful, I can't even imagine how that must have felt like." Kira claims and Sebastian nods in agreement.

The silence in the room is broken by Victoria who opens a bag of hopeatoffee, causing a rustling noise and Masahiro chuckles "I see you still eat that candy, Victoria-san." He comments and Victoria hums, unwrapping one of the liquorice toffee candies.

Kira raises an eyebrow at the candy bag in the woman's hand "What is Hopeatoffee?" She wonders, struggling a little over the name and Victoria chuckles.

"It's salty liquorice flavored toffee, it's from Finland." Victoria answers and Sam's eyes widen.

"They still make them?" She asks and Victoria nods, handing her daughter a few of the candies.

Sam gladly takes the candies "I haven't had these in years." She muses and Sebastian scrunches his nose in disgust.

"I still don't understand how you can eat those; they taste horrible." Sebastian complains and Sam rolls her eyes.

Masahiro shrugs, "I quite enjoy them as well." He claims and Victoria chuckles.

Sam looks at Masahiro in confusion "You eat Finnish candy?" She questions and Masahiro nods.

"I am Japanese after all; our country has a fascination with Finland and they have a fascination with us. I've been there 4 times already." Masahiro explains and Sam accepts his answer.

Kira is quiet for a moment before she snorts "I guess that explains the Moomin mug collection my parents have." She comments and Masahiro smiles.

Sam looks at Masahiro for confirmation "Isn't there an animated series about them?" She wonders and Masahiro nods.

"Yeah, it's a Japanese-Finnish-Dutch animation." Masahiro confirms and Kira huh's "That explains why it's so well animated then." Kira comments, taking a sip of her Pepsi Max.

Derek simply sits in silence and eats Skittles while Sebastian contemplates his life choices.


a/n: how this chapter ended with a conversation about moomin is completely beyond me. i actually had to do some research about the animation because i remember it originating from japan, but turns out it's animated and written by some japanese people and produced by a finnish guy with his dutch producing company. yo, in all honesty it's dang good and i really liked it as a kid. compared to the new moomin animation, it's superior.

i mentioned in the chapter that japanese and finnish people have a fascination with each other and i think it's true, i mean i am finnish after all so i would know. japanese people are one of those who know our country even exists tbh.

new edits: changed the paragraph style and added some words to make it better.

written: 8/9/21
edited: 15/10/22

- bellamy

- bellamy

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