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song of the chapter: color magic by d.coy

SAM LOOKS AT Beacon Hills High School nervously and walks towards the door. She bumps into two girls, a brunette and a strawberry blonde.

"Sorry." Sam apologizes with an apologetic smile.

The brunette looks at her softly "Are you new?" She asks, knowing how it is to be the new kid in school.

"Yeah." Sam replies and bites her lip nervously.

The brunette smiles at the younger girl "We can show you to the office." The strawberry blonde offers and Sam smiles lightly.

"Thanks. I'm Sam by the way, Sam Hale." Sam introduces and she notices Allison's eyes widen slightly.

"I'm Allison and this is Lydia." The brunette claims and they enter the building. Lydia heads her own way and Sam is left with the huntress.

"I'll take you to the office." Allison states and Sam follows after her. Sam quickly thanks Allison before the older girl heads to her classroom.

The Vice Principal takes Sam to her classroom "Students, this is your new classmate, Sam Hale. I hope you will make her feel welcome." He states and leaves the classroom after whispering a few words to the teacher.

Mr. Smith looks at the short haired girl "Tell us a little about yourself, Sam." He requests and the girl glances around the room.

"I'm originally from Beacon Hills, but I've been living in New Orleans for many years. I like art and music." Sam replies.

The teacher nods "Very good, you can have a seat by the window." Mr. Smith claims, gesturing to an empty seat and Sam takes her seat.


After school Sam goes to her apartment which her friend Klaus bought for her and changes her clothes to something more comfortable.

Sam walks around her house barefooted as she picks up items she needs for a painting, such as her paint brush pot and a clear canvas before she heads outside to her front porch to paint.

The brown-haired girl is almost done sketching out her painting when someone gently knocks against the wood pillar on her porch and she looks up, seeing Allison and two boys.

"Oh, hello Allison." She greets with a smile which Allison returns.

"These are two of my friends, Scott and Stiles. They wanted to come and welcome you to Beacon Hills." Allison explains and the two boys nod.

"If you need anyone to show you around, you can ask us any time." Scott offers and Sam wipes her hands on her shirt.

Sam places her canvas down on her small table and pulls her legs onto her bench "That's quite nice of you, although I am very familiar with the town since this is where I was born."

The three look at her in surprise "Are you by any chance related to Derek Hale?" Allison wonders out of the blue and Sam chuckles.

"Ah, I'm guessing you've had the pleasure of meeting my cousin." Sam hums and Stiles nods.

"He's a sour wolf." Stiles comments and Sam scrunches her nose at his wording.

"So, if you're a Hale, does that mean you know about..." Scott trails off and Allison elbows him in the side.

"Yes, I know about the werewolves. What I want to know is how do you know about it?" Sam questions and Scott's eyes turn red.

Sam stares at Scott for a moment without saying anything "Which idiot turned you?" Sam asks and she has a hint of annoyance in her voice.

"It was Peter." Stiles claims and the inhuman sighs.

"I'm sorry he did that to you, Scott. My father has never been considerate of other people or their feelings." Sam apologizes.

Allison blinks "Peter is your father?" The Huntress wonders, earning a nod of confirmation from the younger girl.

"You don't have to apologize for what he did, you're not your father." Scott tells the short haired girl.

Sam smiles lightly "Thank you. I'd like to get back to my painting if you three don't mind, but I'm sure I'll be seeing you around."

"See you around, Sam." Allison replies with a smile and the boys bid their goodbyes as well.


A/N: Minor changes done: Scott's werewolf eye color, removed a few unnecessary commas and a sentence from the first paragraph.

New changes; changed the paragraph style and added some words to make it better.

Edited: 15/10/22

- Bellamy

- Bellamy

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