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song of the chapter: we are by one ok rock

A BLACK MASERATI Quattroporte parks outside a loft building in Beacon Hills, a young woman with blonde hair steps out of the car and closes the door. She looks up at the building and a faint smile forms on her face.

She places her hands in the pockets of her leather jacket and heads inside the building. The young woman steps out of the elevator on the top floor, setting her gaze onto a large metal door.

She rings the doorbell and after a few minutes the door slides open, a tall young man with black hair standing on the other side.

The two stare at each other for a while before the man breaks the silence "Erica?" He asks and the blonde smiles.

"It's been a while, Derek." Erica responds and Derek dumbly nods.

Erica steps inside the apartment and she glances around "Looks the same." She comments and she hears the sound of someone spewing out liquid.

Erica turns her head in the direction of the sound and she sees a few of the pack members. Stiles holds a can of Dr. Pepper in his hand and Theo shoots him a glare, soda sliding down his cheek.

"Who's the blonde?" Liam wonders and Theo wipes his face free of the liquid Stiles spat on him. Scott coughs.

"Erica, she's one of Derek's former betas." Scott introduces and the blonde smiles lightly at him.

Derek turns his gaze to his former beta "Erica, what brought you back?" He wonders and the blonde runs a hand through her hair "A job." Erica answers, the loft door opening behind them and a certain Inhuman walks inside.

Sam scans the room and her eyes land on the blonde whom she approaches, tilting her head as she stands in front of her "Erica Reyes?" Sam inquires and the blonde nods.

"It's nice to finally meet you face-to-face, I've heard only good things about you." Sam muses and Erica smiles.

Derek coughs and Sam turns her gaze to her cousin "You know Erica? Is she here for you?" Derek asks, confusion clear on his face because he certainly hasn't told his cousin about his former betas.

"Well, this is the first time we've met, but we have a mutual friend and as I said, I'm here for a job." Erica points out and Sam nods in agreement "She's going to be working for me." Sam adds, taking her phone into her hand.

Kira understands what the girls are talking about "Ah, so Erica is going to take care of the gallery when you're in school?" Kira guesses, Sam nodding in response "That's right." She answers.

Erica looks to Sam "Shall we go?" She asks and the inhuman nods "Yeah, let's head to the gallery." Sam agrees, gesturing for Erica to exit the loft first.


At the gallery, Sam enters the building after Erica. She leads the werewolf to the office, turning on the light.

Erica takes a seat "I'm honestly grateful for this opportunity, to have something normal for once." She says and Sam smiles.

"I know where you're coming from, New Orleans was chaotic and I needed something to do." Sam responds.

Sam grabs some papers from her filing cabinet "Davina has told me a lot about you and I trust her judgement, but I need to ask a few questions just to be sure and make this official." She explains and sits in her chair, placing the papers onto the desk.

Erica brushes a strand of hair behind her ear "Why should I hire you specifically for this job?" Sam asks, grabbing a pen to write with.

Erica thinks before speaking "I'm trustworthy, I know how to work the register and I can communicate with people." She states and Sam writes her answer down.

"Very good points. Now, how well do you handle stressful situations?" Sam inquires, having almost reached her decision.

The werewolf sighs "Honestly, a few years ago I would've said very badly, but now that I'm a werewolf and I've gone through some really terrible situations, I can handle it." Erica answers confidently.

Sam smiles "Well then, Erica Reyes. You're hired." She decides and the blonde beams at her.

"You'll be doing 5 hours every weekday from 10am to 15pm and I'll have my shift after that. You are entitled to a 30-minute food break every day at any time you want and usually business is calm so be prepared to sit around." Sam explains, writing down the information and Erica nods in understanding.

"I'll show you how to work the online store once it's up and running. Also, I'll keep you updated on all my ongoing work and commissions in case anyone comes asking around." Sam continues and Erica nods.

"And my pay?" Erica inquires, knowing to ask about it. Sam checks her papers "You'll be paid the minimum of $11 hourly and you'll receive the week's pay at the end of the week. In case you need to work overtime, there's a plan for that." Sam states, looking up at Erica.

Erica smiles "That sounds good. Do I need to wear something specific while working?" She wonders and Sam thinks for a moment.

"There's no uniform, but I recommend dressing casually and decently. I'd avoid wearing skirts and dresses. Oh, and you'll have a locker to keep any personal items in during the day." Sam responds, looking over the contract.

Once the inhuman deems the contract accurate and complete, she signs her name at the bottom.

Sam hands the paper to Erica "Just sign your name on the line and I'll get you a copy of the contract." She states and Erica takes the paper, signing it.

Sam stands up with Erica "Thank you, for taking up the job Erica, I appreciate it." She says and Erica smiles "Thank you, for giving me the job, Sam." The werewolf responds.


a/n: because i can, erica is alive. boyd is too, they just moved out of beacon hills and got therapy with a supernatural therapist. isaac is... isaac is somewhere, i'm not giving him a scene so don't ask when he'll show up 'cause he won't.

idk what is up with my text corrector but it keeps suggesting me to remove the letter s from the ends of some words even when it clearly needs to be there so i've elected to ignore it in some cases :(

honestly i think i've started to lose my talent in writing after not doing it often enough, same goes for drawing. i'm just so focused on evolving my video editing skills that i can't really word my paragraphs how i want to.

new edits: changed the paragraph style and added some words to make it better

edited: 15/10/22

- bellamy

- bellamy

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