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𝘀𝗼𝗻𝗴 𝗼𝗳 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿: runaway by dean fujioka

DEEP WITHIN THE woods of Beacon Hills, a Hunter was running. He could hear his own panting and the twigs breaking beneath his boot clad feet.

A number of feet behind him was a werewolf, an omega that was thirsty for blood. Unfortunately for the Hunter, the werewolf was young and didn't have an ounce of control.

"Fuck." He curses as he continues to run, he was starting to reach his limit, but he couldn't bring himself to shoot the werewolf because he was around his daughter's age.

He stops in his tracks when he sees a woman standing in front of him, long black hair spilling over shoulders and her blue eyes gleam in the moonlight.

She was dressed in all black, the dark colors of her victorian clothing highlighting her pale skin. The Hunter stares at her in confusion, but then he remembers the omega behind him and hears a twig break behind him.

The woman begins to walk closer to him "You might want to duck, dearie." She states and he stares at her in confusion, but then she breaks out into a run.

Quickly crouching down, the woman jumps over him and her outstretched hand wraps around the omega's neck. The Hunter slowly turns around, watching in confusion as the omega flops to the forest floor and faint black veins go up the woman's hand.

She looks at him over her shoulder, green eyes connecting with blue "Don't worry, the boy's fine." She assures him before facing him completely.

"May I have your name, Hunter?" The woman inquires, pushing her hair off of her shoulder "Argent." He answers and the woman's eyes darken at the name.

She walks closer to the man, placing a hand on his shoulder "Tell me Argent, why shouldn't I kill you where you stand?" She wonders, tilting her head.

A branch snaps almost next to them "Mom?" A young female voice calls out and the woman turns her head.

Sam stares at her mother with confusion before her eyes focus on the man, he looked extremely familiar to her. Brown eyes widen with recognition "Chris Argent?" Sam asks in disbelief and the man turns his head.

"Girl from the Mikaelson's mansion." Argent responds and the woman clears her throat.

Sam turns her gaze to her mother "You know this man?" Victoria questions and Sam nods in confirmation.

Victoria pulls her hand back "We met a few years ago, he's in good terms with Klaus and his family." Sam explains, wringing her fingers together.

Victoria hums, turning her gaze to the unconscious omega "I'll take care of this wolf, why don't you walk Mr. Argent out of these woods, little one?" Victoria speaks up and Sam shrugs, accepting the job.


Sam and Chris walk in the woods, twigs snapping under their feet every now and then. The Inhuman knows the Hunter has questions and she turns her gaze to him, inclining her head.

Chris sees the go ahead the girl gives him and he clears his throat slightly "Your mother, why did she want to kill me?" He wonders, expecting the girl to get offended, but instead Sam just sighs.

Sam stops walking, the Hale house in their view "I'm Peter Hale's daughter." Sam reveals, giving the hunter a side glance "And my sister burned down your house, that explains everything." Chris realizes and Sam nods.

They change their direction from the Hale house "I wasn't actually here when it happened, mom took me to New Orleans when I was five." Sam tells the hunter and Chris sighs, possibly in relief.

"So, why didn't you hurt that wolf?" Sam wonders and Chris glances at her "He's around my daughter's age." Chris tells her and Sam stops in her tracks.

"Her name wouldn't be Allison by any chance, would it?" Sam asks and Chris looks at her "I take it you've met her then." He responds and Sam nods.

"Yeah, on my first day at school. She even offered to show me around town." Sam claims and Chris hums "So, how did you end up meeting the Mikaelson's?" Chris wonders, glancing at the girl.

"Oh, mom put me in Marcel Gerard's care, he's an associate of my uncle and he introduced me to Klaus." Sam answers, placing her hands in her pockets.

As they walk, they soon reach the edge of the forest in ten minutes or so. Sam stops and looks at the hunter "It was nice seeing you again, Argent." She claims with a small smile.

"You too, kid. Get home safe." Chris responds with a nod.

Sam hums "Ditto." She answers, giving him a smile before heading towards her home. Chris chuckles lightly before making his way home.


a/n: i've been stuck on this chapter for months, i know it's kinda terrible, but i am trying my best. i tried being more descriptive with the surroundings and people's appearance which i haven't done that much of in the previous chapters.

honestly, if i can't get this book in some direction in a few months, i may abandon it.

on another note, i finally gave some explanation to sam's life in new orleans since i hadn't really thought about it much previously.

new edits: changed the paragraph style and added some words to make it better

edited: 15/10/22

- bellamy

- bellamy

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