Chapter 2

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Author's note:
This is the most ridiculous thing I've ever done and if this ever turn out bad I'm not gonna be surprised.

If my essay scores got anything to say about it.

Boboiboy's POV:

The man name WAS apparently "All Might" or his hero name that is. He told me while leading me up to the platform, where he struck up a conversation with a mouse? dog? bear? Creature I'm not so sure what they are but considering the one with the exposed brain I just punched to oblivion I decide not to question it.

The man also asked me some basic questions like who I was and what's my "Quirk" was, he seemed surprised when I asked him what it was but told me that its something like a superpower. And I answered him truthfully that it was

Elemental manipulation.

He didn't ask me to elaborate which was a relief on my part, I feel rude. After sometime of me standing quietly where All Might told me to wait while he talks to the principle, a guy with a block shape head approached me:

Cementos: Hey kid, seems like All Might had taken a liking to ya'.

Boboiboy: Oh! hello mister uhm...

Cementos: My name's Cementos.

Boboiboy: Hello Mr. Cementos! My name's Boboiboy!

Cementos: What a peculiar name you have! Haha!

We did some small talk and he told me everything about All Might and that he was the number one hero.

Then he also told me everything about hero laws and how I've just violated them and how I was basically a "vigilante" and that's why they are taking me away to see what they can do. The thought of going to prison terrified me so I immediately obliged when All Might told me to follow them back to U.A or wherever that is.

Oh boy, I'm definitely in trouble.

*Skipping is so much fun but seriously its like 20 minutes*

__Meeting room__ (you know the one)

All Might: I say we take him in and put him in Aizawa's.

Vlad king: But we can't just take in random kids! Also doesn't Aizawa have a say in this?

Snipe: I have to agree we don't know if this kid could be a spy or something.

Midnight: But All Might took the Midoriya boy in, and I find the boy quite endearing.

Nezu: Your opinions are all very logical, but I have to admit the potential of this child is better as a hero than risking him to villains' influence. And the boy does sound confused on where he is at the moment. Als-

Staff dude: Excuse my intrusion but a package just came in, its for you principle.

The staff went over and give the letter to Nezu.

Nezu: Oh, this is certainly interesting.

Boboiboy's POV:

I wonder how they'll resolve this. I didn't know that I was violating law!

As he sits anxiously awaiting his impending imprisonment, the group of adults casually walks in front of him. Noticing their looming presence, I lifted my head and looked up at them in fear.

I'm definitely done for...

All Might: Welcome to U.A young Boboiboy!


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