Chapter 40

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Author’s note:

Mira is fabulous as always.

Like father like son I guess.


Media had been flocking around U.A, once news was out that a student had gone missing at a school organized camp regime. The national top hero school didn’t think they could hear the end of it.

Recap of the situation: The students effected by the gas soon awaken, but stayed back for further observation. Midoriya is the person most devastated by Bakugou’s disappearance. Yaoyorozu told the police about her tracking device, pulling out a GPS only to find the signal lost completely. (It was digested)

=Boboiboy’s (temporary) residence; 2-days post incident=

Now, Midoriya knows sneaking is bad. But considering the other’s absence from hospital visits, denial of phone calls, the garden earning itself an automatic feeder and watering system, and the usual lively household engulfed in silence was a sign of concern. And he knows for a fact the sudden change of atmosphere means certainty that Boboiboy isn’t going to open the door.

The third upstairs’ window is always open for chemical ventilation, Izuku scrunched his nose at all the lingering scents that couldn’t clear out by themselves. He wouldn’t be doing this in the first place if it wasn’t All Might’s request though, in times like this its better to have privacy. The faculty couldn’t get in touch with him for questioning.

Izuku hesitantly stepped in the clustered makeshift office. Piles of strange scientific books with covers that Midoriya had never seen before, dismissing them as foreign language books. He carefully treads down the corridor, relieved at his decision to leave his shoes outside. He heard talking from downstairs and decided to take a peek over the banister.

“I’ve got the birthplace of this thing pinned to a facility at x:- y:- z:- in Kanagawa prefecture.” Solar pointed to the highlighted area on the map, tapping on a jar containing some kind of black goo. “We can confirm this is where they make these things.”

“That lizard guy said these things were human…. Albeit dead ones.” Cyclone nibbled on a biscuit, his sugar levels are being drained by Blaze’s emotional outburst, they split to discuss their course of action from here, and to keep surprise fires to a minimum. The departure date is coming and they don’t have time to get in trouble with the law.

“That Compress guy didn’t say anything more on the matter as well. I’ve got them down to a bar in the same prefecture.” Quake put a hand to his chin in thought, as long as they aren’t flying, he knows where they are. That trip of breaking in the prison for interrogation was worthless.

“The police files said they already got that place down though, They’re planning to raid it with some other top pros.” Thorn flipped carelessly through a file he took from detective Tsukauchi’s office, he already copied it from the original. His expression devoid of the seriousness his counterparts are holding.

“Its really inconvenient, when the environment doesn’t allow…. So much more unneeded difficulties…” Ice sighed, cleaning up the plates of special fried rice from the now sleeping Blaze’s last combustion attempt. The fire element snoring on a water bubble with slightly puffy eyes.

“We’ve already sent out the anonymous tip, so there’s not much we can do for now.” Thunderstorm is trying to distract himself from the topic of Nomu mass production, he just looks more murderous with his idling action being sharpening a switch blade.

Midoriya’s eyes widened, trembling in revelation. He quickly returned the way he came. In his mind was the lines of coordinates which he furiously typed in his phone’s GPS and sure enough, it was an actual building in Kanagawa. He stumbled back through the window, almost slipping in the progress, hoping the elements doesn’t hear him. He scrambled back to his home to processed things.

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