Chapter 28

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Author’s notes:

I’ve replaced the canonical events of the BNHA anime.

Because I think that episode was completely extra.

And can be replaced.

“YOUNG ONES! IT IS TIME TO LEARN ABOUT FUNDAMENTAL HEROISM!!!” All Might announced in his number one hero glory. Cue the fanboying from our protagonist duo. Exclaiming to each other praises for the man, Todoroki still sticking a bit close to Boboiboy. half n’ half looks unwilling to let go of the boy anytime soon, and to this mini might gave him an understanding look.

“You’ll be doing a timed rescue race, there are bells in place of victims scattered on the field in front of you. Use what you’ve learned from the intern program and either run for help, or ‘save’ the victims!” All Might vaguely explained, Aizawa will elaborate in detail for him later. “You can do any damage to the ground if a bell is hidden, but assaulting your friends are heavily discouraged!” he pointedly warned a particular student.

Aizawa, being the ever caring teacher that he is, has set up traps waiting for either side to trigger, and sedation measures because let’s all admit it, his students are all crazy bastards. Decked out with surprise stun guns, sleeping gas tanks and the ever important Aizawa Shota himself. This is also a rumbled site, simulating a small district after suffering a grade 8 earthquake.

In short, it’s a realistic obstacle course race against time with gas leaks and hindrance. The students can either turn themselves into trouble for one another, slow each other down, even assault to a certain extent. The grades are provided by the order of people who finds and ring one of the bells which are scattered throughout randomly, the first kid will get the full 100/100 and it just slowly decrease from there, faction out by the time they took to reach the destination.

This is to test how they can maneuver in an unstable area after pinpointing the location of ‘victims’ or in this case the bells. Avoid small projectiles representing falling rubble courtesy of All Might, and either reach the finish line at the end of the course or find a bell to ring. If the 5 minutes timer runs out and none of the students got either, their grade will be reported to have failed.

Hearing the word fail poured through their ears. Class 1-A hurried themselves to the area, some searching frantically for bells, they are all timed, obviously choosing the option to run to the finish line was easier than searching for some bells under fallen cement, but the thing about that is there’s traps set up all around, from cliché pit falls to floods cause by intentional extensions from they’re homeroom.

Searching for bells won’t be effective because that will make the students stay lower and the only way to avoid ground traps like the ones Eraserhead made was to stay up, but here’s the thing, All Might is above all of them, location wise. If anyone got too close, he would be chucking cement blocks at them not to say Aizawa didn’t expect this and prepared soft ball canons to shoot students down. The simulation grounds itself was also brittle, so standing still at one spot was not an option.

For example, Mineta used his sticky grapes to climb on walls, smart move but he made the mistake of trying to hold on for too long, the purposely made brittle wall's paint layer chipped out and dropped him back to the ground where he triggered a pit fall, classic gag. Mineta cried blood from his eyes somehow, and while shrieking stick to the walls again to climb out, not making the same mishap again. Because if you don’t remember, Mineta is smart, he just doesn’t act like it at all.

Sero swung around with his tape like a monkey and thanks to his improved speed, didn’t ‘stick around’ for too long, quickly making his way ahead until a cement block was tossed to his torso. Reason for why this happened is that his moves were predictable, when he swings around on the side of buildings like that, he only has 2 routes available. Considering he’s right handed you can predict where he will go next based on where he’s looking.

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