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Lan Zhan knew. He had felt the sudden memories being pulled unwillingly from his sister and her horror as it happened. He felt the searing pain from Wei Ying as he absorbed the ugliness of that night as if he had been present. He also felt their determination to lock it all within, in order to protect him from this. He had been too weakened by the process and when his husband leaned over, his voice light and sincere as he reassured him, Lan Zhan gave in to them, allowing them to believe he had been fooled. It was the least he could do for them. 

So he spent his time, in and out of a deep sleep, building a locker in his mind, elegant and secure, where he could place the rawness of his feelings. He wanted them to stay secured away, so he never faltered in his determination. They would not see his knowledge of their sacrifice during Empathy. Part of how they dealt with their own horror was completely dependant on his not knowing. As much as he screamed to be able to thank them, help them soothe their pain, it was imperative that he appear oblivious of the occurrences during Empathy. So, he would not, for now, acknowledge it. Their gift to him needed to be protected and this he would do.

He worried about Wei Ying the most. The visual of that night was brand new to him and he knew his tendency for self-blame too well.  His Wei was a savior as well. He would do everything he could to protect his husband, and Lan Zhan needed to allow that for Wei's sake. And now that it had been seen, the younger man was determined to hide it from Lan Zhan. Lovers do that, when they truly love.

He was gathering his energy and deciding to rise, as the door opened a crack and Wei Ying poked his head around the corner.

He rushed to his side and pushed him back down, standing over him, trying to look ferocious but failing, looking like a pouting bunny instead.

"Lan Zhan, what are you doing, you madman! You need rest. Trying to get up like that!!! What must I do, tie you down?"

Lan Zhan smiled. "As you wish, Husband."

Wei poked him in the arm with his fist, then dropped to his knees to hug him tightly, resting his head on the strong chest, sighing deeply at the reassuring rhythm of the steady heartbeat. Lan Zhan laid there patiently then said,

"Have you listened long enough? Is it normal?"

"No, it is not! It is racing, way too fast! You must lay back down." Lan Zhan obeyed and let Wei fuss a bit and when the time was right, he swiftly reached up and grabbed him by the shoulders and slowly drew Wei down and lost himself in the startled silver eyes looking down on him.

His deep voice made Wei Ying's own heart leap madly, his eyes slid helplessly, further into that passionate silver light. 

"Of course it is racing. That IS normal when you are around me. My heart has beaten every day like this. Each day we have been together. Every time I have thought about you when apart. It is now my normal heartbeat, My Foolish Bunny!"

Then he laid his lips on Wei' Yings, drawing in his Lotus scent. nipping and licking and possessing them. His arms were too strong and struggling free was not an option for Wei. His arms tightened around the smaller man holding him. Wei bit gently down on an earlobe, sending shivers of delight down Lan Zhan's back, causing him to harden instantly.  Wei felt the effects his nibble caused and  looked towards the door, crying out,  

"Sizhui... What...?"

Lan Zhan immediately released him and looked toward the door.

Nothing. He glowered towards his husband who stood there, hands on his hips, glowering back.

"Humph! You are in no shape for that right now!" snapped Wei Ying.

"I think you underestimate me!" 

"I think you overestimate yourself!" 

Meng's Revenge: Vol.4 of Life Among Clouds WangXian SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now