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Hidden among the trees, blanketed by Quiet Spells so that the neighs of horses and the sounds of clinking armour gave nothing away, the Lan and their allies watched as Meng Shi and her forces passed on the road into the Keep and the surrounding grounds. She proceeded through the entry that was flanked by the the grey walls and immediately headed for her rooms in the dark tower, followed by 6 men who carried the shrouded figure draped in black on a large chair. The bizarre object was awkward to handle and was impossible to discern what it was from the Lan's vantage points. It seemed omonous  though.

They allowed the enemy an hour , enough time to settle in and for the gates to be closed, neatly dividied her army in two sections, half surrounding the outside of the walls, the rest within the inner grounds and the Keep. The Lan infiltrators swiftly made their way to the hidden forces and met with  them, ready to join the battle. It was now in the hands of the Jiang and Lan archers.  A message was sent from the ground to Jiang Chang and fifteen minutes later, the first arrows flew.

Arrows, by themseleves are quiet, However, arrows by the hundreds, all concentrated on a single target, can be terrifying The whirring as the projectiles mass together filling the sky and seeking flesh to rip and tear is eerie and unmistakable. The Meng barely had time to look up at the hell falling on their heads before the arrows' scream was joined by the cry of the men and women below as they died.

The archers above did not even seek specific people, both inside the walls and out. There was no where to run and hide easily and it was wholesale slaughter. As the first panic set in and the mass below ran from the North, parting and running East and West to the shelter of the walls on either side, the archers perched on the two mountains on both sides, let loose with their vollies.  It seemed to never stop as the enemy frantically cowered beneath thier shields or the dead bodies of comrades. The men inside the wall crammed into the bottom floors of the Keep and took cover in out building or privvies, beneath tables, benches, overturned chairs, the bodies of horses and those killed before them. Within thirty minutes, thousands, as expected by the Generals, lay dead or wounded.

A second suppressive volly, followed the first. Then, as the arrows grew fewer and finally ceased. there was a quiet, pierced only by the sounds of screaming wounded.

Lan Zhan nodded as his brother signaled to him and he rode his white horse forward. He raised he deep baritone voice. full throated and shouted.

"Meng Shi! We demand terms at once. At this time, do you wish to negotiate your surrender? If you refuse to surrender, no quarter will be given to your advisors and political allies. They will die beside you."

A voice called out to him. "Ah, Lan Zhan. My beautiful litle plaything. I hear you have regained your looks. Shall we meet in person to doscuss these terms?"

Lan Zhan felt his skin crawl but remained stoic and firm. "You have one incense stick to reply. If you refuse, you will die on the spot when I reach you. Do not doubt our resolve, The Meng Faction will be obliterated today. One incense stick."

A rider rode up and whispered in Lan Zhan's ear. He nodded and spoke again. "I have been notified that your troops escorting the hostages have been killed. The hostages are now safe and are no longer your pawns. To all who are fighting because of those being held, we have ordered our archers to shoot anyone who would stand in your way of leaving and surrendering immediately. If your sincerity is proven throught Empathy at a later time you will be released to be with your loved ones. You have this one chance to move forward."

Slowly Lan Zhan could see movement as many threw down their arms and advanced to the woods where the Lan troops stood. One by one they were frisked and tied then send to the stockade around the northern mountaian.

"You have lost 3000 men so far Meng Shi and the incense still burns. I will return for your answer soon".

"Your opinion?" Inquired Lan XiChen, when his brother returned.

"She is committed. She will fight despite the toll exacted in lives."

"Then, they die."

"It must be. This is the third conflict involving the Meng. They must be eradicated. Our people must be safe after today.

Lan XiChen rose in his stirrups.

"Generals, to your batallion. General Hu Ming, I want you with Anshi. We will unleash him as soon as a battalion loses ground. Generals, be aware of you situations, If you begin to lose ground, send a message regarding locale and General Hu Ming, her guard and Anshi will assist."

"Yes Sect Master."  "Send messages tp Sect Master Nie and Minister Han to the West then to  Generals Yenay and Wen Ning to be ready, Converge from all points . Order  Jiang Chang and his archers to join the ground troops below their mountains. You and the Yiling Pariarch will join me in leading the battalion, straight on to meet their charge. General Hu Ming, be ready to assist with Anshi anywhere needed."

Suddenly there was a voice that rose above and reached out to the troops. Anshi began a battle cry, a song that wove in among the soldiers, It echoed into the hearts of the fighters, not just in these woods, but the Nie and Qian fighters hidden on the other side. It shot through the air, reaching the archers who had already dealt a blow to the enemy. Each soldiers saw the faces of their loved ones at home, the comrades beside them and their fearless masters, all those that were the supports of their lives. Each soldier felt his strength double, their resolve harden beyond measure. Their love of their people and their sects and their homeland inflamed them.

The song also found the enemies' ears and wound itself into their hearts, sowing their minds with self-doubt and anxiety.

And it assaulted the woman in the Keep.

"What is that? Who?"

"I do not know, Madam. "

"Find out,, find out. How dare he invade my tower with that voice? That noise is offensive to my very soul."

She wheeled around, screaming. ""I want a very special death for him when we win this war. Do you understand me?"


"Commander...Is all at the ready. Is every man prepared?"

"Yes, Madam. "

"Then open the gates and charge. I want them each to take at least five men down. Make up the time and numbers we have lost. Have them collect right ears as they go and they will be rewarded for every one they bring back. Understood? Then capture the leaders alive."

Meng's Revenge: Vol.4 of Life Among Clouds WangXian SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now