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They rode two white war horses up the mountains, trailed by a group of Guardians chosen for the trip. When they arrived at a certain point, Wei dismounted and left his horse in the care of the Guardians and Lan Zhan gave strict instructions to them to stay fixed in this area and to go no further unless summoned by a blue flare. The Guardians were not pleased. These two had a reputation for getting into trouble, but a direct command was a direct command. The men started to pitch camp. Lan SyaMu walked over and glared at Lan Zhan and Wei Ying.

"We are accepting this order , however, if you are one minuted late...that is ONE minute past noon tomorrow, I will vacate the order and we will come looking for you." Lan Zhan started at her and Wei Ying grinned in happy compliance. The young Captain simply stood in front of the horse and refused to budge. Wei Ying nudged Lan Zhan in the back.

"We have just wasted the ONE minute, Dearest."

Lan Zhan sighed and nodded a curt agreement and Lan Sya Mu backed away.

He muttered, loud enough for her to overhear as he rode past her, "She will be the biggest thorn in Anshi's ass."

She shouted after him. "Then you better give him fair warning, Lan Sect Leader!"

Lan Zhan wheeled his horse around a quarter turn and shot her an evil-side glance. She raised an eyebrow at him. Wei Ying leaned over and gave his husband a quick nip on the shoulder. "Stop fighting with your cousin. You know you have that effect in all of those Lan women, always getting on their nerves. Husband, we have some things more important to take care of." Lan Zhan obeyed, but not before he pointed a warning finger at Lan Sya Mu, who shrugged her shoulders and turned her back.

"That brat will pay. " He grumbled.

"And then she will make you pay. Then you will her pay...and meanwhile, Xi Chen and I will sit back, place bets and eat candied hawthornes! What fun!"

He heard Lan Zhan snort in laughter. He lay his head into the center of the muscular back and inhaled the cool, sensual fragrance of sandalwood; surely it was one of the most glorious scents in the world. He wrapped his arms around Lan Zhan's waist and anchored them by tucking his hands in Lan Zhan's waistband. The he closed his eyes and fell asleep , lulled by the sway of the horse. Lan Zhan sensed him dozing and smiled. He felt tingles with each of the warm exhales against his spine.His Wei held him in the palm of his hands and the stoic Sect leader could not give the least little damn. Let him. It was beautiful beyond life to him. It was his eternity.

A few hours up the trail and he could feel something before he could hear or see it. And just as he got used to the odd sensation he began to hear a muffled roar, and finally he could see it. He turned in the saddle and shifted Wei Ying to the front. The move jostled the younger man and his eyes open then blinked in wonder.

"Lan Zhan, you sly man! It's out waterfall! This wasn't the route we took last time. I just thought we were going mountain climbing!."

Wei Ying felt him whisper in his ear. "Would I take you mountain climbing today? Five years ago, our honeymoon was stolen. Then our lives. Then a war forced on us. And a year for all of us to heal again. I want a part of our loss restored. I want to have part of that time washed clean again."

Wei choked back a sob and took his lover's hand. It dwarfed his own and it made him feel safe. He guided Lan Zhan to the water's edge, pulled by the primal throb of the cascading water that seemed to echo the beats of their hearts.

"It knows us, Lan Zhan. It's calling us. Welcoming us back."

"Wei Ying is right."

"Let's go. Lets strip and plunge in now and and say hello. We can get our clothes later,"

They tore at the clothes on their bodies and they stood there, nude bodies shining in the mountain sunlight. They moved in unison, dropping of the overlying edge, arching perfectly together, splitting the pristine lake. They surfaced once, then dove, heading for the foot of the falls where the water churned from the force of the entry below. They came up once more and swam to the cresent-shaped black beach, the sand made up of minute particles of lava, pyrite, quartz and crystal and it shone like Wei Ying's's eyes when things were quiet and ordinary or just passing by. Like bright, black diamonds. His silver was for special occasions, such as now; when he was happy, excited, aroused. Oh yes, aroused. He picked Wei up, easily, with no effort ,and carried him around a stand of tall, pointed rocks and his lover was deposited on a pile of luxurious quits and pillows. that sat on a bed platform. There was a table with an incense burner, sandalwood incense, several fat candles and assorted jars of oil.

'Lan Zhan, what is this?"

"Remember the day when there was a call for cultivators? It involved dire wolves and giant spiders? Well. I lied. You begged off, like I knew you would. I had Anshi and Sizhui come with me and help me fix it up. Who needs a room in Yunming, or a tub from a brothel when we can have this magnificent chamber? This amazing tub at our feet."

He was through talking. He reach over and cradled the back of Wei's head and leaned forward. The silver eyes looking back were huge and dilated, and he kissed him, his full lips moist and searching delicately, like there was all the time in the would to worship the beauty that sat in front of him. There would be time to get rough, to tumble and nip and shout to the heavens, but right now, Lan Zhan only wanted this to be about Wei Ying. He seemed enchanted, someone had to taken care of with the utmost reverance tonight. He laid Wei back and the younger man became totally compliant, accepting the quiet worship, the edges of his eyes damp. Lan Zhan kissed him everywhere, from head to toe. His hands stroked as if playing a rare instrument. His whispers were poignant as he spoke of his love and longing.

Wei Ying felt the fires deep within beginning to build slowly. The yearning was almost unbearable, but he damped it down so Lan Zhan could continue. His husband was in a universe of his own, where Wei Ying was the sun in the very center. He took him to so many peaks that Wei lost count, and when he finally broke and begged for orgasm, Lan Zhan brought him to it in a miraculous and sublime release. Even the waterfall could not contain his cries of pleasure.

'So this is how the Gods feel,' thought Wei Ying as he lay, splayed and drenched in sweat. This is what beinging truely loved is like. He felt sorry for anyone who had not felt the kind of adoration.

When he looked up, Lan Zhan was gazing at him with so much love and hope that he looked like a vunerable child. He burst into tears and leaped on him, arms around his neck, kissing his face.

"Oh Lan Zhan. I knew you loved me all these years. But I never fully realized how much."

Lan Zhan spoke quietly, stroking Wei' Ying's back. "When the world seems to...No, when it is set on... actually trying to destroy us.,, time should be made to show your person how he makes you feel. It had to be this night. I could no longer contain it.

Every cruelty we suffered. Every loss that was dealt us; I will never allow that to happen to you again. I want you safe. I want you loved. I want you to know you are loved. I will devote my life completely to it. "

"I do not deserve it."

"Yes you do, and more."

"But why??"

"Because you are Wei Ying."


Meng's Revenge: Vol.4 of Life Among Clouds WangXian SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now