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I watched Desiree run her fingers on the leather jackets of the bibles. Her dark hair was pulled into a random ponytail and her skin looked smooth. Her eyes were dark at the moment, especially underneath, her bags looked painful. Even if she looked tired and stressed, she still looked beautiful.

"Calum, these are way too expensive." Desiree sighed and faced me, "Let's go some place cheaper." She suggested.

I shook my head, "Desiree. Have you seen my car? My house? Love, I'll buy whatever you need." I reassured. Her teeth dug into her bottom lip and she nodded. Desiree turned away and continued to admire the bibles silently.

"I'll help you. What do you like in a bible?" I asked suddenly and walked up beside her.

Desiree hummed quietly, "Well, I like the print small, and the papers thin. I love the sound they make when you turn the pages. It makes my heart flutter." She laughed softly. I nodded at her. Desiree shook her head and her arms dropped to her sides, "I'm so weird, sorry." She mumbled.

"You're not weird. I think that's very cute that you like that stuff." I smiled. Desiree blushed and placed her hands behind her back as she looked at the bibles again. "This one," She spoke up and lifted up a maroon leather bible from the shelf.

"It's beautiful." I complimented. I placed my hand on the small of her back and hovered over her to look along with her. "The pages," She opened the bible and skimmed through the pages, "I love them." Desiree giggled. "I love it if you do." I said.

"Okay! Just get that one!" I jerked away from her and glared at Niall who interrupted us both. "Fuck you." I groaned.

Desiree let out a laugh and pushed the bible into her chest with her eyes shut, "Gosh. I love it." She grinned.

"I'm glad." I rubbed her back, "Need anything else?" Before she could open her mouth someone called her name out. "Desiree?!" A dirty blonde boy walked towards us, "What's up, lovely?" He hugged Desiree who was cringing. "Hi Michael." She grumbled.

Michael? One of her church friends. He kissed her cheek gently and pulled back from her, "Who are they?"

His eyes locked with mine and he pulled Desiree into his arms tightly, "Desiree! This is Calum Hood. We need to go." Michael held her arms with a grip that must've hurt by the way of Desiree's face.

"Don't touch her!" I spit angrily. "Let her go." I demanded. Niall stepped up as well, "Yeah, kid. Best let the lady go." He crossed his arms.

"I'm her best friend! You guys better get away before I call the police." Michael said strictly.

Desiree chewed on her bottom lip and struggled in his grip, "Mikey, it's fine. Please let me go, you're hurting me."

"Let her go!" I shouted, "Before I fucking make you." Michael stepped away from Desiree. "Calum Hood, you're a danger to society." Michael insulted me. "Good." I spat.

It did somewhat hurt because it was true. "Your mom has been looking for you everywhere, Desiree. Something about you running away? Oh, and I met your dad. He's really cool, can't believe he's been on such a long business trip!" Michael took ahold of Desiree's small hand.

"Is that what they told you?" She gasped. "That he was on some business trip?" She spit. "That's cow shit! They're lying to you, Michael." Desiree's eyes filled with tears.

I pulled her into my arms and wrapped her into a hug. "It's okay." I cooed. I could feel Desiree's small tears soak into my shirt. She wrapped her arms around my waist tightly.

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