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I woke up extra early, around five in the morning. I left to my parent's and grabbed the things that Desiree had left there. Mali left me a note with a large makeup bag, telling me that she set a few things up for Desiree like makeup, body wash, and hair bands. I knew Mali had taken a liking to Des.

"What are you doing?" My eyes shut tightly as I zipped up Desiree's fresh clean backpack. I pat the bible that I had tucked away in it and spun on my feet to face Ryan.

"Nothing that you need to worry your pretty little face about." I reply sarcastically, "Shouldn't you be at your office building fucking your secretary?"

Ryan suddenly grabbed my shirt and threw a punch into my jaw. "Pardon me punk?" He spit quietly, still gripping onto me. "I'm quite tired of your attitude, Thomas." Was I suppose to be threatened by him using my middle name? He was pathetic.

I only laughed and pulled a tight painful smirk, "Something wrong?" I ask after contemplating on whether to hit him back or let it slide. "I'm not lying am I?" I laugh again which is instantly cut off and turned into a coughing attack once he jabbed his fist into my stomach.

"You shut the hell up! Don't you have an ugly ass nun to head off to? I hope you're not planning to stick with that Virgin Mary bitch because she won't give you what you want which I know what that is." Ryan whispered harshly.

I nodded, "Hmm sure, continue since you know so much." I grinned. I only told him to continue because I was curious to what his answer was going to be. Ryan was a sick person, I wanted to see how sick he actually was.

"Sex. That little girl won't give you any of that but I know how you can make her give it to you." My grin vanished in a split second as he continued to speak, "I know you're not very fond of me and I want to help you with getting this Debra girl to get in the room with you." I slammed my fist into his nose and he dropped down to the ground, hissing in pain.

"You are disgusting!" I shouted, not caring if anyone was to hear me. "Just because you disrespect, force yourself onto, and rapè women doesn't mean I'm interested! You're a fucking monster." I jerked Desiree's backpack up and spit onto Ryan's throbbing face that was swelled up with tears running down it -- from pain of course, Ryan had no soul and I knew he wouldn't be crying from the things I was telling him.

"I need to go." I breathe out and walk to the freezer, opening it roughly then tossing a frozen pack of hash browns at him. "Honestly Ryan, I don't ever say things like this but -" I look down at the man who my sister claimed to love, "You need Jesus." I sighed and left the house without listening to what he had to say.


When I got home Niall and Luke were passed out completely. Luke was laying on the kitchen counter and Niall was sleeping on the couch, hugging a vodka bottle -- typical.

I ignored the two idiots along with a couple of other people laying around, but what caught my attention was whispering coming from Ashton's room. It was, of course Ashton, and a girl's voice which sounded awfully familiar.

Without thinking, I was already two inches away from twisting Ashton's door knob.

"Please Ashton. We need you, especially Ky." The girl whispered.

"I can't." Ashton said, his voice was cracking. He sounded as if he was bound to break out crying any minute now.

"Why not?" The girl asked lowly.

"Because - "

I opened the door out of curiosity, I couldn't keep it back. They both turned to me. Ashton looking angry and the girl - who was thankfully not Desiree - looking startled. I noticed the little girl in the young woman's arms.

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