Chapter Nine

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You're not exactly sure how long you've been there. At least a week. You started to have bad thoughts. Was Jungkook coming? Did he find a new girl? Taehyung won't leave you, right? Of course not. But... you did sort of leave him when you thought he died. No, you didn't know he was alive then so does it really count. What are you thinking? You had bruises on your whole body. The man came and beat you everyday. You could tell he was drunk. He disgusted you.

"Someone! Please help me!" You whispered, desperately. The bonds on your hands weighed you down. Your whole body was sore. Where was Jungkook? You started to doubt that he was coming.

"Y/N? Are you here?" Someone asked.

You turned your head. You never thought you'd be happy to see this person. "Baekhyun?"

-Jungkook POV-

I was scared. For the first time in my life I was scared. The great mafia leader Jeon Jungkook was scared. I opened another bottle of beer and chugged it down. Where was Y/N?! I couldn't find her anywhere. I didn't even know who had kidnapped her. What were they doing to her. I was not only scared, I was completely terrified. "Y/N!" I shouted in frustration. I sat at my desk. I held my head in my hands and sighed loudly. A small knock sounded in the room.

"CoMe In!" I called. "WhO iS iT?" I asked.

The door opened revealing eomma.

-Author POV-

Jungkook's mom came in.

"EoMmA! I'tS sO gReAt To SeE yOu!" Jungkook smiled, weirdly.

Jungkook's mom frowned. "Great to see you too, Kookie. You don't look so good, though."

"WhAt'S uP eOmMa? Is ApPa GoOd?" Jungkook asked.

"Oh my Jungkook! You're drunk!" Jungkook's mom exclaimed.

"No! Y/n Is GoNe!" Jungkook stood up.

"What are you talking about? Y/N's at school." Jungkook's mom said.

"No, ArE eNeMiEs ToOk HeR!" Jungkook wobbly walked to his mother.

"W- what are you talking about?" Jungkook's mom frowned.

-Taehyung POV-

I've been working endlessly to find Y/N. I just got reunited with my sister and now she's gone!? What did I do to deserve this? Jungkook's been helping me. I wasn't so sure about him but now I realize that he's the perfect man for my sister. Sure, he's the mafia though. I hope that one day he decides that the mafia business isn't for him. He and Y/N will settle down and have some kids that will grow up normally. I chuckled at myself. I looked at the papers in my hand. We found the license plate number of the car that took Y/N. A single tear made its way down my cheek as I remembered my beautiful sister.


"You worthless little girl!"

I rushed to my sister's room. "Y/Nie?" I opened the door, ready for the worst. Our stepfather was hitting her with a wooden club. Y/N sobbed helplessly as he hit her. I ran in front of Y/N, getting hit with the club once or twice. I turned to face him. He stopped swinging the club.

"Get out of my way, you little brat!" He shouted. 

"HOW DARE YOU HURT MY SISTER YOU M*THERF*CKER!!!!!!" I roared. I punched him in the face, blood dripped down his nose and he grimaced in pain. 

-Flashback ended-

The memory faded away and I tried not to cry. I burst into Jungkook's office. "J- Jungkook I found the license plate number!" I said. I was surprised to see... his mom? Anger flodded into me. That was the woman that called Y/N a... I couldn't even think it. Y/N and... that word should never be used in the same sentence. I tried to stay calm. "Mrs. Jeon..." I forced a smile.

"Kim Taehyung, correct?" Mrs. Jeon/rude woman said.

"Yes," I grimaced.



"Y/N!" Baekhyun rushed over to you. "Are you okay?" He asked.

"Do I look okay!?" You exclaimed.

"Oh, sorry." Baekhyun looked away.

"Did he hurt you really bad?" Baekhyun asked.

You frowned. "Who? The man in the mask?" You asked.

"Yeah, him." Baekhyun pulled out a knife. You got nervous for a second thinking he's going to hurt you. But instead he started cutting your bonds. 

"H- he didn't hurt me that bad..." You looked away.

"Did he touch you? Like... you know what I mean." Baekhyun asked, a bit embarrassed. 

"No." You said.

Baekhyun sighed in relief. "Good," he pulled the last rope free. "Come one," he looked around. "Let's get out of here." 

Both of you left the building. It was pitch black outside. You looked around nervously.

"No one's here, don't worry." Baekhyun said. "Come on, my car is parked near here." He led you to a black car. He opened a door for you, You entered, tired and annoyed. He got in the drivers seat and started driving. 

"I think you have some explaining to do." You pointed out.

Baekhyun sighed. "Okay, okay. But you need to promise one thing."

"What?" You asked.

"You'll listen to my story without interrupting." Baekhyun said.

"Okay, fine." You agreed. 

"My family used to be good friends with another family, the Manobans." Baekhyun said. "They had a daughter, named Lalisa. Most people just called her 'Lisa' Lisa and I did everything together. When we were sixteen years old I asked her on a date. We went on the date  and everything was perfectly fine. We started dating each other. When we told our parents we expected a good reaction. Instead they got angry, they told us that we couldn't be together. Lisa told me we should break up but I wouldn't let her go. We started dating in secret. About a year ago Lisa and I got married." Baekhyun looked sad.

You gasped. "Lisa'a s mar-"

"I said, don't interrupt!" Baekhyun exclaimed. "We've been secretly married ever since. Now more about me, sorry. I'm part of the mafia." 

You gasped again. 

"I'm a mafia boss like Jungkook, except were enemies." Baekhyun sighed. "There's more, You and I, Y/N, Kim Y/N. Were step siblings, you are my stepsister." Baekhyun smiled.

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