Chapter Eight

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Everyone ready for this chapter??? Also go stream Permission To Dance now! In the comments I want to know, whats your favorite color? Just out of curiosity.

-Jungkook POV-

I sat working at my desk. 

Two of my men entered the room. "Uh, sir?" One asked.

I looked up coldly. "Has anyone ever taught you about knocking?"

"Sorry boss" the man said. The man scratched his head. "We have some uh... bad news." 

I sighed, loudly. "What?"

"The traitor escaped." The other man shuffled his feet.

I slammed my hand against the wooden desk. The men flinched. I picked up my gun and studied it. "He escaped, huh?" I asked. 

"Uh, yes sir." The man said quickly.

I shot him in the foot. He howled in pain "Get out of my sight! And find him now!" I shouted the man Stumbled out of the room. I sighed and leaned back against my chair. I massaged my temples in anger, wishing Y/N was there with me. All of the sudden my phone rang. It was an unknown number. I usually don't pick up unknown calls but for some reason this felt important. I answered it. 

"WHO THE HELL IS THIS?!" I shouted still angry.

"U- uh... M- Mr. J- Jungkook, s- sir?" It was a womans voice. "T- this is Jennie, Y- Y/N's f- friend."

I sighed. "What can I do for you Jennie? And how did you get my phone number?" I asked.

"It was o- on Y/N's p- phone." Jennie said. "A- and s- sir? I d- don't know w- where Y/N i- is."

"What do you mean?" I asked quietly.

"Well, we were eating lunch and she went to the bathroom. After five minutes a started to get a bit nervous. but after ten minutes passed I went to check the bathroom. The bathroom was empty, she wasn't inside. I tried calling her phone but she didn't answer." Jennie's voice sounded nervous. "She had left her phone in the canteen. Oh Mr. Jeon I don't know what to do!" Jennie exclaimed.

"First of all, just call me Jungkook. Second of all, I'll be there soon, don't worry." I sighed and ended the call, hoping this day would turn out better.


You woke up in a dark room. The walls were black and rotting. You screamed out loud, terrified. "You can't do this! My brother and boyfriend will save me!" 

"Oh really?" A man's voice echoed in the room. The man walked out in front of her. A black mask covered his face.

"Who the hell are you!?" You said, angrily. 

"None of your concern, doll." The man said. 

"Doll?" That sounded familiar to you. You racked your memories. Who had called you doll? Nope, you couldn't remember. "Why did you kidnap me!?" You yelled, furiously.

"Ah doll, calm down. I don't like your attitude." The man said. "I believe you and your boyfriend talked about this yesterday. Because your boyfriend and brother are the mafia. And what did he say we'd do to you?" The man asked. You could tell he was smirking. "Kidnap, troture, kill or r@pe you? Hm?" 

You shut your eyes. How did he know about your PRIVATE converstaion with Jungkook? You were freaked out but tried not to show it. "What do you want? Money? Jungkook won't give it to you. Jungkook isn't the kind of person to compromise, he gets what he wants and only what he wants." You said, seriously.

"You think we don't know that? We don't want money." The man laughed.

"Then what do you want?" You asked.

"To hurt him in anyway possible." The man said. 

"So you're going to kill me to get to him?" You asked, disgusted.

"Kill you? Oh no, were going to do far worse..." The man laughed again.

-Jungkook POV-

I had just arrived at Y/N's school with my men. I entered the building. Everyone bowed to me. I had bought the school recently so not everyone recognized me. I entered the principals office. I slammed my hand against the table to get his attention. 

"What class is Jennie Kim in!?" I asked. 

"J- Sir? J- Jennie Kim i- is in x- xxx with Mrs. X-  XXX." The principal said.

I jerked my head, aggressively and left the room. I found the classroom and entered. The teacher jumped as came in. 

"H- hello sir, is t- there anything I- I can do f- for you?" She stuttered nervously. 

I smirked. I like it when people get scared of my presence. "Is Jennie Kim in this class? I'm looking for her." I asked, quietly.

I could tell this made the teacher more nervous. "Do y- you need t- to do s- something with M- Ms. Jennie Kim? I'm s- sorry Mr. J- Jeon but m- my class is v- very important." The teacher was so frightened she couldn't even speak clearly.

"Don't ask questions! Just get me Jennie Kim this instant!" I said.

The teacher caved. "Jennie Kim! Please come here." The whole class looked up. A girl I recognized to be Jennie stood up. 

She walked up to the front of the class. She looked at me and nodded. "Yes Mrs. XXX?" Jennie bit her lip, nervously. 

"M- Mr. Jeon wants to talk to you." Mrs. xxx looked nervous.

Jennie nodded. I led her out of the room. "Explain." 

Jennie explained to me how Baekhyun always acted differently. He'd call her weird names and smirk all the time. Jennie said Y/N went to use the bathroom and didn't come back.

"How long has it been? Since she used the bathroom, I mean." I asked.

Jennie checked her watch. She bit her lip. "Two? Three hours." Jennie lowered her head. "I'm such a bad friend. I should've told Baekhyun to leave! What if he did something to her!" Jennie burst into tears.

"Uh, there there." I patted her on the back, awkwardly. "It's okay, you're not a bad friend. I'll find Y/N before anything happens."

Jennie looked up at me. "You promise? Promise me my best friend will be safe when you find her." Jennie looked at me with determination. "I'll even help you if you need it!"

"No, it's fine. I'll do my job of finding Y/N and you do your job of finishing school." I said.

"Okay." Jennie agreed, slowly.

"Bye Jennie." I said.

"Bye Jungkook." Jennie waved and turned around to leave. "Oh Jungkook!" She stopped me.

"Yes?" I asked, impatiently.

"Thank you," Jennie said, smiling. The smile wasn't a happy one though. It was a sad one. 

Will Jungkook find Y/N?

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