Chapter twelve

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Hey everyone, it's the new chapter, and as a nice surprise, this chapter is quite long, well, longer than usual, so enjoy it, as it took quite some time to write during my busy schedule. :)


Aiden's P. O. V.

I blinked in shock at Nathan and my hand tightened around my back bags strap, unsure if I had heard him correctly, but his next words confirmed my suspicions.

"I want you to take me out on a date," Nathan repeated, seeming bored, and raised a brow in my direction as he waited for my answer, his eyes twinkling somewhat with amusement at my reaction that questioned my intelligence.

"Right now?" I couldn't help but ask in disbelief, still shocked by his words, and only then realized how stupid I must have made myself out to be yet again and wished I could promptly dig a hole in the ground and burry myself in it.

I flushed slightly under Nathan's mocking gaze, and tried my best to tame my rising anger caused by my embarrassment, but it proved to be a difficult task, as Nathan wasn't making it any easier for me to do so, especially with his next words.

"No duh," Nathan replied with a smirk, seeming to enjoy that I was making a fool out of myself.

Ah, I really want to punch him right now, I thought, a muscle in my jaw twitching.

No wait, calm down, think about what he had just said. He said he wants me to take him on a date... today...

"No way!" I exclaimed, shaking my head violently back and forth, abet, maybe a bit over exaggeratingly.

As much as his words had caused me great happiness, to the point where I wanted to jump up and down with joy, shouting my excitement to the world around me, the request Nathan had just proposed was simply impossible to accomplish at such a short moment, or well, it would most likely turn out horribly.

"Huh?" Nathan stood dumbfounded by my words, his eyes blank as he stared at me with amazement to the fact that I had actually refused his request, and I quickly rushed to explain my reason for refusing.

"I mean, I don't even know where to take you," I said, panicking slightly as Nathan's expression seemed to darken with each word that I said.

Man, this is not going well, I thought helplessly. Maybe I should have just agreed and took my chances of the date maybe turning out good enough.

I mentally shook my head at my pathetic self, then frowned. No, absolutely not. I will not play into his hands.

Its no doubt that Nathan had possibly sprung this request out at such a short notice to catch me off guard and cause me to fail miserably when I cannot properly prove my love to him.

But then again, I could just be overly paranoid right now.

"Well, I guess there goes your chance at proving that you love me," Nathan said with a shrug and a shake of his head. He then turned around and began walking away, his steps unhurried, leisure like.

My mouth popped open wide with shock and disbelief as I watched him stroll away, then anger rose to replace those emotions.

This bastard, he's purposefully trying to rile me up and get me to panic and change my mind.

Well, see if you like what I have in store.

"Tomorrow!" I shouted firmly, my eyes radiating a stubbornness caused by his actions that showed my unwillingness to let him get away without giving my all. I then smirk in victory when Nathan paused in his retreat to look over his shoulder at me questioningly.

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