Chapter ten

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Its been so long, but I hope you enjoy this chapter very much, I know I did. :)

Picture of Mr. Fernandez, Nathan's father, to the >>>>>>>>>>


Nathan's P. O. V.

I blinked rapidly, wondering if I was just seeing things, and for a second I had this sudden desire to rub my eyes, as if to erase an illusion, but I knew that this was no trick of the eye, this was indeed happening. Aiden has, for some unknown reason, appeared before me, and at my house no less.

My heart thudded in my chest from the sight of him, and I couldn't help how attracted I was towards him at that moment. Memories of our kiss flashed before my eyes and desire burned hotly in the pit of my stomach. I swallowed hard and strained against the lustful intentions that ran through my mind at that moment.

I was obviously aware of my feelings for this boy in front of me, but to think it was so strong as to bring such a reaction out of me was shocking. I was stunned speechless. Before I had had a hard time believing that I could have such an immense amount of feelings for Aiden, but left and right I was being proven wrong, and it all left me all out of sorts.

It took me a few second before I could recover from the shock and reel back in my urges, but once I did, I shook myself out of my daze and put on a slight frown.

What is he doing here?! I questioned mentally. No, better yet, how did he even know where I live?

That was definitely the better question. I don't remember at all hinting at where I lived, yet the boy had still tracked me down, and for what purpose. Curiosity swirled through me, and I couldn't help but narrow my eyes in suspicion and wariness.

"Aiden, why the hell are you here?" I voiced out, raising a brow.

Aiden grinned broadly and shrugged his shoulders, "No reason," was all he said with nonchalance and a I blinked at him in astonishment.



"Hmm, who's this?" Mother, who had somehow sneakily snuck up behind me without me noticing, asked while peeking over my shoulder to get a good look at Aiden, her eyes holding interest as to who he might be.

Startled, I jumped some in fright, not having sensed her presence and quickly replied, "No one," at the exact moment when Aiden said, "Nathan's friend."

I glared hard at him, but he only grinned back in response, eyes alight with amusement and playfulness.

"Oh, really now," Mother said, eyes lighting up with delight, and dread filled me in response.

This was undoubtedly the first time a friend has ever come over to our house like this, so it was understandable as to why she was so curious to get a good look at Aiden. And because of this, there was no doubt in my mind as to what was going to happen next.

"Young man, what's your name?" Mother asked.

"Aiden," he replied, eyes staring at her with slight caution, as well as a bit of curiosity.

"Hmm," Mother's eyes slide my way when he introduced himself and a slight blush stained my cheeks. I turned my head away in embarrassment, knowing what my mother was thinking at that very moment.

I could easily recall the times I would come home and confess my feelings for Aiden to my mom and repeatedly ask for advice on how to gain his attention, because, at the time, I would only secretly admire Aiden from afar. I'm sure she was able to connect the two persons.

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