Chapter twenty-one

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Hey everyone, here's the next chapter.



Aiden's P. O. V.

Waking up the next morning, I felt utterly exhausted. My body felt heavy , as if weighed down by a massive bolder, and my limbs jerked and my bones creaked as I moved around to get myself ready for school, my muscles stiff from how ridged my body had been before the nights rest.

All last night I had stayed up and brooded, worry for Nathan, and my upcoming future the only thing occupying my mind at the time.

It wasn't until 2:00 a.m. when I had finally passed out from over exerting myself, mentally, and physically.

And I knew that, from the amount of sleep I got, today was going to be an extremely tiresome day, as I was going to be moody as all, no doubt about that.

I almost felt sorry for all those who will have to deal with me.

Ha... if only my problems were as simple as that. While they only had to worry about not getting on my bad side today, I have to deal with my father and his prejudice self, among many of other things.

Groaning out loud in response to my seemingly hopeless future, I slumped over to my bathroom, carry a set of clothes that I had picked out during my brooding.

As I turned on the faucet and bathed in the warmth of the water, I made sure to take an extra long shower so as to allow myself the time to relax my strained mind. It also gave me time to mentally prepare myself for today, as well as for the following days of my life.

Stepping out of the shower, I dried myself off and presented myself in front of my bathroom mirror, only to grimace at the sight of the reflection shown back at me.

I looked absolutely haggard.

Black shadows highlighted the bags underneath my eyes. My pale face, with a sheen of glistening sweat along my brow from the heat in the bathroom air caused my appearance to look somewhat unsightly.

But what really caused me to feel pain towards my appearance(Change word) was the look in my eyes.

Dull... Resigned to fate...

As if I had lost all hope in things ever turning around for the better.

There wasn't a shred of confidence that things will maybe go my way with this revealing of my sexual preference, not in the slightest.

Seeing this look in my eyes made me want to seriously knock some sense into myself, as it was not the time for me to just give up all hope. I still had a chance for a better life.

However, there was no mistaking the doubt hidden within the depths of my eyes.

A part of me already believe that it's only ever going to get worse from here on out, never better.

I couldn't help but feel depressed because of this.

This sunken mood persisted for some time before I managed to shake myself out of such sorrow.

With a huff I slapped my hands onto my cheeks, snapping myself out of my dejection and regained my composure.

"Come on, stop being such a pansy," I murmured angrily to myself and proceeded to get dressed, not willing to let myself get caught up in my sadness again.

Once done, I left the bathroom and walked over to my closet to grab a pair of shoes to wear and my school bag.

After making sure I had everything I needed, I crept my way downstairs, my steps hesitant the whole way down as I listened carefully for the slightest activity.

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