Chapter Twelve

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A half-assed laugh escaped the tall boy's lips.

"I didn't think you'd actually show up."

"Well, I'm here. What did you want to talk to me about?" The short brunette folded her arms across her chest and tapped her foot. Cato ran a hand through his hair causing it to stick out in a few different directions. The moonlight cast a spotlight on him as he walked closer to her.

"I wanted to apologize for everything. From being an asshole to you during training and trying to force you to join the Careers to hitting Roman tonight."

"Why did you hit him?" she asked. She had an answer formulated in her head, but she felt as if Cato thought differently. His cheeks burned. "I was jealous."

The corner of her hazel eyes held crow's feet as she laughed. She doubled over and clutched her stomach with small tears forming. As she caught her breath she looked up at him. Cato's face held a goofy grin- he loved hearing her laugh.

"Why the hell are you jealous of Roman?" Cato nervously looked down to his feet.

"Because he likes you, and I like you." He admitted feeling a weight being taken off his chest as he told her how he felt. "Wren, I like you, a lot. The girl I mentioned in my interview was you. I think you're special. And no I'm not confessing my love because I think we both know that we haven't known each other long enough, but I think that we have something. Something that can become more." Wren's heart wanted him, but her brain knew differently. She gently touched his shoulder and moved her hand down to his.

"I thought you were talking about Glimmer or Ivory," she mumbled. "They're so much prettier than I am." Cato's hand was under her chin and he lifted her head up slightly so he could look her in the eyes. "Wren, I don't care about them or what they look like. You are so much more beautiful than they could ever be. Your personality alone has them beat. You're smart, kind, talented," she blushed, "and stubborn- very stubborn." That got a laugh. "That's more than they'll ever be." He whispered.

"Cato I have feelings for you too, but we can't be together. The games begin tomorrow-" The boy from Two cut her off.

"I'll protect you. Stay with me. Clove, Marvel, and I will have your back. The girl from Five, we can all have our own alliance." Wren moved his hand from her chin as she walked to the ledge.

"That will only get us killed. Glimmer and Ivory will find me in an instant- especially if I was in a big group. Cato, it's safer for you to stay with them. I'll be okay on my own." He shook his head.

"Wren, I won't be able to sleep knowing that you're alone out there. The thought of you dying scares me." He told her. "I don't want to lose you," he mumbled. She sighed as she tried to think of a solution. Joining the Careers would mean two of them would try to kill her. Not joining meant she was on her own and any tribute wouldn't hesitate.

"Cato, what if I proved myself to the Careers? What if I show them that I can be as deadly as they are?" Cato's eyebrows shot up. "In what ways?"

The brunette smirked, "Well, two things: one, I get ahold of my weapon of choice, and two, if Clove, Marvel, Mariah, Jakob, Kale, and you are on my side then it's six against two. You all would have my back and Glimmer or Ivory can't kill me." The corner of the boy's mouth turned upwards. "So that means I'll be able to sleep at night in there," he joked as the girl next to him nodded. He pulled her into a tight hug. Her hair smelled like flowers as her body connected to his like a puzzle piece. He never wanted to let go.

"So," the girl from Ten started to change the subject, "what's with the blanket?" Cato's eyes lit up, "Stargazing." Wren giggled with excitement. Her nose scrunched with her smile. Another thing Cato thought was beautiful about her.

She and him laid on the plain grey blanket and stared up at the night sky. Every so often Wren would point up and talk about the different stars and what she think they formed. Cato laid back and listened not wanting to break her happiness. He got a slight case of deja vu as he thought of the night they first laid down the look at the stars. He turned his head to her before whispering.

"I wanted to apologize again."

"For what?" she whispered back. Her eyes never left the stars.

"For yelling at you that one night. For assuming your dad was okay- that you were okay." She bit her lip. "It's okay. I get why you blew up. Sometimes people do things before they think and it's okay. It makes you human." Her eyes finally met his. He still felt guilty.

"Welcome to the dead parent club," he tried to lighten the mood. Wren's fist hit him lightly on the chest. "I can't believe you just said that," she laughed. She laid her back flat against the blanket once more. His hand found hers as he intertwined their fingers. Thousands of blinking lights before them. A whole universe at their fingertips- almost.

"I want you to promise me something." He said, breaking the silence. "Please?" Wren's lips pushed themselves together as she said, "Mhm." He played with her hand before bringing her knuckles to his lips. A soft kiss was placed upon them.

"Promise me that if I die-"

"You won't die," Wren snapped.

"If I die," Cato ignored her, "that you'll try to win. That you'll try to move on. I want you to win go home to your brother." Wren shook her head. "You won't die. I won't let you."

"Please, Wren. Please promise that one thing?" He held up his hand and jutted out his pinky.

"What are we four?" Wren commented and Cato rolled his eyes. "Fine," she huffed latching her pinky to his, "but if I die then you need to win. For the both of us."


The boy from Two and the girl from Ten watched the stars in silence after their promise to each other. They held on to their time with each other on the roof dreading what was to come. As they laid next to one another in the night they knew that they would do anything to protect the other during the games. But for now, they stargazed in peace.

The boy from Two had infatuation in his eyes as he watched the girl. Her brown hair laid straight past her shoulders. Her head was on his chest listening to his heart rate. He kept his hand locked with her's. Her slightly crooked nose would scrunch every so often in joy as a star would sparkle. A smile found its way to his lips as he held the girl.

The girl from Ten had stars in her eyes. She kept her focus on the sky but knew the boy was staring. She didn't dare move. His heartbeat picked up as he smiled. It made her smile. She turned her head so her chin rested on his chest before she stood up. She extended her hand as she silently offered to help him up. A jolt ran through her hand as he grabbed it.

Now at his full height, he towered over her with her head stopping at his chest. The girl wrapped her tan arms around the boy pulling him down ever so slightly. He melted into the embrace. She brought her lips to his ear, "Goodnight, Two," she whispered. Her lips touched his cheek in a soft quick movement.

He stood there frozen at her actions. Before he knew what to do the elevator doors closed leaving him alone. His hand flew up to his cheek where her lips once were. His lips parted as a gasp left them. The spot felt as if it held a shock of electricity. His cheeks were painted red. He looked up at the stars as he thought of her.

"Goodnight, Ten."

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