● Chapter 1 ●

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" I promise you "

Those are the last words I said to him.

That day,

The setting sun was beating down on us.

Sitting side by side on the swings,

Our fingers crossing in sign of our promise.

My name is Valt Aoi, I am fifteen years old and three months ago I made a promise to a friend who means a lot to me, Shu. He's my childhood friend and I promised him something that I can't remember now. And since then, I haven't seen him again. He didn't go back to school, and we didn't see him at all, he didn't even answer my messages anymore... I miss him terribly, I feel like I feel a void in my life without him, yet my life is great. My mother is the most understanding and open-minded person I know, she is as sweet as her pastries. My father is an aviator, I admire the fact that my father was able to realize his dream of traveling around the world. Every time he calls us, it's always a FAQ about the country he's in. I have a little brother with whom I am very close, especially since I learned about his sexual orientation. And finally, my little sister, she is a real independent woman and even if she says that she is doing very well on her own, she knows that we will always be there for her. I have three friends on whom I can always count: First, there is Free. He cares a lot about the happiness of the people he loves, which is why he is so smiling and is always there to comfort us. Then there is Lui, Free's boyfriend. He is a cold and distant boy at first sight, but when you know him, you discover a boy with a big heart. We are in the same class and in the same theater club. And finally, there is Ayumi. I've known her for a short time, but I feel like I've always known her. She is an incredible girl, always smiling, always in a good mood, ready to help others and listen to them. She was Shu's old neighbor before she moved to the town next door. I remember that he was very close to her, it was even he who introduced her to me. Together we do most of the cliché's teenagers do in movies: drinking coffee; hanging out in town; doing our homework together and incidentally cheating on our homework. But lately, someone's been missing...

- Valt, can you hear me? Ayumi's voice snapped me out of my thoughts.

- Sorry, my head was elsewhere, you said? I asked to her.

Even today, we are in the same cafe, always drinking the same thing, rehearsing our texts for the play.

- I was telling you that I can come and see your play. Ayumi tells us enthusiastically.

- Ah... answered Free without emotion.

- Normally, you are supposed to be happy that I come.

- You're not the problem, I swear.

- It's the piece that's badly done. Report Lui.

- To this extend?

- The texts are poorly learned and in addition we are still missing a role. I answered.

- Yeah, the one from the invisible guy.

- Actually, it's the role where a depressed boy hides with a mask because he's not worth finding out who he really is. Corrected Lui.

- Very just. Affirmed Free.

- And nobody wants this role? Ayumi asked.

- Apparently not... I answered.

- Damn, I didn't pay attention to the time. I must pick up my little sister from the park.

Falling Apart ⎮By Miko_Koru ►Yaoi ● English.Where stories live. Discover now