● Chapter 3 ●

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Valt's point of view:

We left Shu's mother's office, she served us drinks and let us digest everything we had just heard. I keep thinking about his words, what happened there, what he had to overcome. Ayumi explained to Lui and Free, still in shock, what his mother had told us. He had argued with a friend that day. I remember we saw each other the day before and I had a discussion with him. Try to remember, what did we say...

I was in the park with Shu, sitting on the swings, we talked about everything and nothing. Continuing to sway as the sun was setting. Shu stopped abruptly and spoke...

- I'm going to visit my grandmother tomorrow.

- Oh, it's cool that you visit her. I replied with a smile.

- Not really, I mostly go there to help her settle in and do some household chores. Knowing that, I don't really want to go there. Besides, I told you that we would do something together tomorrow...

- Don't worry, it doesn't matter.

- I'm still a little angry with myself... He said to me, slightly disappointed.

- At worst, if I come tomorrow with you, we'll spend the whole day together and we'll do something together.

- You want to come with me? Shu asked me surprised.

- Why not, we both benefit from it. And then, one day you told me that you would introduce me to your grandmother.

- Are you sure... People usually let me down for this kind of thing. I care about you very much and... I don't want you to let me down.

- I will never let you down Shu.

- You promise me?

- I promise you.

That evening, our fingers crossed in sign of our promise, the setting sun was beating down on us. But on the fateful day, my father had an accident at work, and I had to babysit my brother and my sister until my mother came back from the hospital. I was dreading Shu's call; I had promised him... But I can't leave my brother and sister alone. My phone vibrated; it was Shu. I had to tell him, and it was with a heavy heart that I picked up and told him the bad news...

- Hi Shu. I'm sincerely sorry but... I can't come with you today.

- What? Why? Shu asked me.

- I had an unexpected. I answered.

- Ok, I can understand but what do you do with our promise?

- Look, I'm sorry but I can't come.

- You promised me that you would never let me down.

- I know, but I'm not letting you down. I replied trying to reassure him.

- Oh yeah? And what are you doing there? He replied in an annoyed tone.

- I'm dreaming or you're insinuating that I don't keep my promises?!

- No, I didn't say that! Only, I thought you were sincere when you said you were going to accompany me!

- And it's my fault if I had an unexpected?! You know very well that I would have come with you if I could.

- To be honest, I find it hard to believe, it's not the first time that I've been promised something and the next day they invent an excuse not to keep their promise. I thought you would be different from the others but in the end, you are like them. You promise to come and spend the day with me at my grandmother's, when you don't want to, just to please me. And then you realize the shit you've gotten yourself into and you make up a nice excuse to take me out for not coming. I'm tired of you taking me for a fool!

Falling Apart ⎮By Miko_Koru ►Yaoi ● English.Where stories live. Discover now