● Chapter 9 ●

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Valt point of view:

I waited to stand in front of the gymnasium for long minutes, what happened yesterday marked me deeply. I saw Lui and Free arrive in turn, but no trace of Shu, I greeted them and started the discussion...

- Hey guys, have you seen Shu?

- No, sorry. Free answered me.

- With what happened in the last few days, it's not surprising if he decides not to come back. Added Lui.

- Yeah, and we can't say that school is the most reassuring place on earth.

- But Shu likes school, I know he likes it. Otherwise, why would he want to go back to school? I asked.

At the same time, Ayumi came running down the hall...

- Guys, we need to talk.

We all looked at her surprised, because Ayumi is not a student at our school at all and it is easily noticeable since her uniform is different from ours.

- What are you doing here? I asked her.

- We'll talk about that later, for now, you must come.

We followed Ayumi who led us to the art room...

- What is happening? Why did you drive us here? Free asked.

- It's about Shu, I wanted to talk about what happened in theater class.

- Fools who think they are superior to everyone else; they don't believe in inner beauty. Replied Lui.

- Have you seen him since?

- Not to my knowledge. Free pointed out to him.

I looked at Ayumi for a moment before answering...

- I saw him yesterday... I told him about how I've been feeling lately.

Free looked down and Lui looked at me weakly...

- How are you feeling? Asked Ayumi.

- At fault... I would have liked to know how Shu felt about that.

- That's good, because he wants to talk to you.

I raised my head in incomprehension to see Ayumi who gave me a warm smile before heading for the door of the storage room.

- It's okay, you can go out.

Shu got out of the closet and walked slowly towards us... He raised his head and looked at me for a moment before speaking...

- Often, I remember all the good times we spent together, and I smile like an idiot. I was afraid, afraid of the gaze of others. That's why I didn't want to go back to school anymore, but I needed to see you again. You're the reason that pushed me to come back, you're like my medicine, you treat my wounds, and you cheer me up. I have no desire to lose you, you are the person who helps me feel better. It's Valt and Shu, Shu and Valt... You and me against the rest of the world. So, I still have my place in your heart? Shu asked me.

Tears were streaming down my face; I took a deep breath before hugging him and saying...

- Of course, you still have your place, you will always have it and that no matter what happens. Remember that you have the most beautiful face in my eyes.

Falling Apart ⎮By Miko_Koru ►Yaoi ● English.Where stories live. Discover now