● Chapter 8 ●

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Shu's mother's point of view:

I was quietly looking at something on my computer, when I heard the front door open and close with a tremendous crash. I turned from my chair and saw Shu run and lock himself in his room, slamming his door. Worried, I went to knock on his bedroom door but all I got was a "go away!" from Shu. Seeing that he still wouldn't open the door for me, I decided to force my way in. I saw Shu curled up on himself in his bed, crying all the tears in his body. I sat on the edge of his bed and caressed his shoulder with my hand to comfort him...

- What's wrong sweetheart? I asked worried.

- Everything is wrong, I'm fed up, I just want it to stop... He replied, bursting into tears.

- Oh, my angel... What happened? Tell me.

- There are a lot of students who stare at me and criticize me, at school and on the networks. All because of my scars... He answered me still in tears.

I lay down next to him and took him in my arms, continuing to caress his shoulder...

- When will they stop criticizing me? Shu asked me, sniffling.

- I don't know sweetheart, there will always be someone in the world to criticize others. I know it's hard, but it'll be okay. You shouldn't have to put yourself down because of what they say about you, be yourself and don't care what other people think. If you feel good about yourself, you don't care of what other people say. Because those who tell you that are people who themselves are not comfortable in their own skin. Besides, I'm sure you have friends who love you for what you are and not for your looks. I reassured him.

- Surely, thank you for listening to me mom.

- It's normal.

After a long moment of silence, I let Shu rest alone in his room to go prepare the meal...

Valt point of view:

I lay motionless in my bed, my arm hanging over my eyes. I still couldn't believe what just happened, I feel so bad for not being able to prevent this. I'm sorry Shu, I thought I could make up for it. Surely you must believe that I broke our promise again and that is probably the reality. At the same time, my phone vibrated sign that someone sent me a message. I picked up my phone and saw that the message was from Shu. His message said this: "Valt I need you. The mirror is breaking". Following this message, I rushed to Shu. I don't understand everything yet, to tell the truth I don't even know why I suddenly started running towards his apartment. Could it be because he mentioned that he needed me? Or is it because I worry too much? How come Shu gives me that effect? By dint of thinking too much I forgot the fact that it was raining outside, fortunately I arrived in front of his apartment. I rang the doorbell and his mother let me in, she didn't stay longer and just told me that Shu is in his room adding that he didn't want to see anyone but me. I walked to his room and opened the door; I saw him sitting on his bed wrapping his hands in bandages. I approached him, I lowered myself to be at his height before speaking to him...

- Did you do this to you? I asked worried.

He didn't answer and didn't look up, still focused on what he was doing. I took his handles from my hands, but he quickly freed himself from my embrace.

- Why do you care of what those students said?

- It's not just them... No one has ever looked at you like my parents looked at me, like everyone looks at me.

- I'm so sorry...

- It's not your fault, it was never yours.

- That's not it, it's that... I would so love to be able to do something but I'm incapable of it, just like I'm incapable of telling you the bottom of my thoughts, right now...

- Why?

- I'm afraid it's not clear or that you're judging me...

- I will never judge you, you can tell me anything Valt.

I took a breath before I started...

- The thing is, I feel like this is all my fault. I'm sorry, so sorry that I couldn't do anything to prevent this disaster from happening. It's true, after all, I told you that everything would be fine, that you had nothing to worry about... except that everything went wrong and now you are suffering from the causes. I haven't been a good friend this year, I don't even deserve to be your friend. Sometimes I tell myself that if you had never known me, all these horrors would never have happened to you, you would probably be happier. I am convinced that I no longer must be part of your life, only every time I think of you, there is this voice that tells me that without you I will never be happy. I want to stay with you... I don't know why but you make me feel so much that I can't accept the fact that you're being attacked. But I still can't put into words what I feel... Just know that you mean a lot to me.

For the first time since my speech, I looked up at him to see his face, his eyes were wide, and tears slowly fell from his eyes, but no sound came out of his mouth.

- Don't cry Shu...

Following my words, he smiled at me tenderly, the tears still flowing...

- It's the first time you've told me how you feel, if that's how you feel.

- That's what I feel and even if I have no idea what this feeling is, I know that you are one of the people who mean the most to me.

He wiped away his tears and we hugged. To this day, I still don't know what I feel for Shu, but I will find out, I swear...

● To be continued ●

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● To be continued ●

● To be continued ●

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Falling Apart ⎮By Miko_Koru ►Yaoi ● English.Where stories live. Discover now