● Chapiter 10 ●

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Valt's point of view:

It's finally the big day, it's today that the play takes place. I can't express my resentment, I'm both excited and anxious. I'm a little scared of what might happen on stage. I know I shouldn't be worried, but I can't stop thinking about the disaster. My whole family comes to see me plus Shu's family, that's a lot of people I know in front of whom I couldn't make mistakes, I don't want to be embarrassed all my life every time I see them. Anyway, I must think about positive things like puppies, rainbows, vacations and Shu... Shu, it's true that every time I think of him, I always feel this thing on me. This thing that I can't express, I would so love to be able to tell him everything I feel but I can't find the right moment to tell him everything. I want him to feel relieved, loved and happy, it is this happiness that I want to offer him. My thoughts are intertwined, I quickly come back to reality which is that I am in the dressing rooms stressing out. The others still haven't arrived, I must finish getting ready, but what if something had happened to them, and here I am again thinking about the drama. Suddenly, I was slightly surprised when I heard Free's voice right behind me...

- Looks like I managed to scare you, but I know it's just stress.

- You see it, where have you been? And besides, where are the others?! I asked worried.

- Calm down, everyone is here. We just needed to drop at Ayumi's to help Shu get ready, mentally and physically. And she did wonders.

At the same time, the door opened, and I saw Lui and Ayumi surrounding Shu. He is just gorgeous with his white suit and his barrette in the hair that makes his eyes appear. But the most remarkable thing is that these scars are completely invisible. I don't know how but you can't see them at all. I walked towards them and smiled at Shu while telling him...

- Wow, y-you look beautiful Shu.

- Thanks...

- How did you deal with his scars? It's impressive. I asked.

- Thank you and it's called skin care. Ayumi replied.

- Ayumi wanted to help Shu feel confident to come, you must believe that it worked. Added Lui.

- You don't have to worry; you'll rock the stage. You don't need makeup for that, you're already amazing. I assured him.

- You think...well, I mean, thank you. I just wanted to feel beautiful.

- For me, you are beautiful with or without makeup. Because the real beauty is that of your heart.

Shu blushed at my words.

- Well, we're going to finish getting ready. Come Shu. Ayumi replied.

Ayumi took him by the arm and Lui came closer to me to tell me...

- It's for you that he wanted to make himself beautiful.

- Really? But why?

- He wanted to know what your reaction would be if he was like before. I think that in the end it is that he would have liked, to become again as before. For him as for you.

- He made himself beautiful for me...

- You better tell him your feelings, understood?

- How do you know? I asked him surprised.

- Honestly, I had felt it, but I knew that even you weren't sure yet. Are you now?

- I am but I can't express it.

Falling Apart ⎮By Miko_Koru ►Yaoi ● English.Where stories live. Discover now