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With utter war on its way both sides had the weapons to cause annihilation upon each other, but the fear of losing so quickly was not in their favour, so each began creating strategies and well thought plans to do the work for them, The Judge would kill hundreds of the Techanixions, but it wasn't to say the Techanixions took numbers back in brutal outbursts of divine tactical slaughter, time had reached a stand still bombings of the planets and exterminations were frequent, neither side knowing how to ridden of the other without destroying themselves in the process.

In the mean while Sci-ma experimented and slowly constructed a way out of Genesis, by converting the cosmic energy around Genesis into a colossal outlet of power, though there was one bug, the ships that pasted through Genesis's cosmic barrier were shot into unknown and random coordinates, but this was division of warfare and tactics where it's only solution.

After the destruction of Terus 1 one of the many moons around Vandash The Judge saw the war closing in on the planet and stepped into action, as a space-navy approach Exoprime Sci-ma got a voice stuck in his head " divide the fleet and push on either sides of the attack ", a dark voice whispered " what is this, who is making contact, identify immediately? "  Sci-ma shouted into the massive hollow command station at the centre of the planet of Exoprime " who is contacting me ", Sci-ma's thousand of Tv screen like heads buzzed frantically around the massive room and searched for the voice, but they had found no a thing in the room.

" looking for something " the dark voice chuckled, Sci heard it once more before looking up at the top of the room and seeing a blinding light with a black figure standing within the core like shells centre " What are you? you must identify" Sci-ma shouted at it now almost in pure frustration at the creature they hovered in Sci-ma's gaze, " I am your savour, so listen carefully, you will use your fleet and flank The Judge's on both sides, do I make myself clear? " the dark voice started to sound familiar to Sci-ma but yet they still had no idea on who it could be " how can I trust you " Sci-ma said in a demanding tone, " see what happens if you don't " the voice said back to Sci-ma.

As one of Sci-ma's heads watched the screen showing the locations of the space-navys, the being still stared at Sci-ma almost knowing what he'd do next, Sci-ma restated his space-navy's position to the course on which the being suggested, " now, identify " Sci-ma shouted once more " Only time will tell you who I am." The voice spoke in a almost metallic voice before vanishing leaving the room Sci-ma was in blank and empty besides from the billions of systems, screens and servers scaling each wall like a massive mechanical brain working non-stop to victory, Sci-ma thought to himself " if they are contacting me from where I think they are, then Techanixions survive. "

Sci-ma began forging the fleet necessary for the attack, as conveyor-belts and other such machines kicked into actions the base was filling with a fire of a metal beating heart, with fires reaching higher then the normal 10,000°c of Exoprime, like a million suns in sounds of marching the construction began, as bits and prices were assembled Sci-ma thought greatly onto what is to come of their race in time to pass, but sooner then later a space navy of a trillion small fighters was constructed and ready to gage in combat with the enemy, as Sci-ma raised their metal fist the skies turned black pasted by the attack fleet dividing into two as they reached the atmosphere and reaching into position around the incoming Attack force of The Judge.

As the ships came to a stand still around the incoming fleet the Judge's fleet paused as Sci-ma made contact " Surrender yourself and destroy what you have done, or I will destroy you myself " Sci-ma said staring into the hollow graphic projection screen being broadcast to The Judge, " your stand no chance, you are the one who should surrender " The Judge spoke chuckling the words out of their feminine metallic voice, " then I will not have pity ", Sci-ma commanded the fleet around The Judge's and as soon as that the skies turned red in combat explosions so powerful they could be seen from the planets surfaces them self.

The fighters Ziped around blasting holes in the Xerterrium armour of the Judge's large battle ships, with the fighters being too small and fast to be attacked by the larger weaponry on The Judge's battle ships it was as if the fighters was a swam of wasps feeding off a slowly dying creature with no escape, " You have failed Judge " Sci-ma said from the hollow graphic projection, " you can't do this, how did you do this!? " the Judge shouted into the projection, " maybe you should get better at finding assistance to your plans then to make enemies with your creator " Sci-ma darkly Chuckled as the Judge cut the hollow graphic projection and stopped the feed.

" all unit evacuated Vandash reach the border, you must expand, you must live on and destroy anything that stops you from accomplishing your goal! " The judge shouted from her stationary position in a facility on Vandash to all her kind that would listen to the cries of her fate.

After the conflict with The Judge's space-navy battle ship The Destroia Sci-ma sent out a larger ship purposely built to in place the Judge within, though many of the Techanixion fighter were destroyed in the conflict but in term the Techanixions space navy was victorious living no remains of The Destroia, Sci-ma took the technologies of the The Judges experiments and locked them deep within the Techanixion labs back on Exoprime, and did the same to the judge locking her in a cage constructed of magnets forcing the nano machines her armour was created of to stay in one piece, so that they couldn't move, stuck forever in the one place under the laboratories in a completely black room with a hollow graphic projector, just incase their was needed contact with the heretic to the Techanixions and the preservation of the Seract race.

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