Hell of a Morning

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At some point in the night I had lost my shirt. I'm not sure how or when, all I knew is that it was gone. This day could not have started off any worse. I internally groaned as I sat up, clutching the covers to my naked chest. I rubbed the fog from my eyes as my dad stood yelling at the foot of the bed. 

"What the hell is going on here?" He frowned as he looked down at the scene before him. Kou, 100% unaware of what was going on around him, tugged me back down between him and his brother. 

"Kou, let me go." I pushed him away, crawling out of the bed. The boys groaned as I stole their covers. "Dad nothing happened! I swear!" I sighed, knowing there was no way he'd believe me. "Look I still have pants on! I'm just not sure what happened to my shirt." I chuckled nervously as I moved the bottom half of the covers away, exposing Azusa's shorts. 

"You kept complaining about how hot it was. You must have pulled it off in the middle of the night" Kou explained, sitting up as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes. "Good morning (L/n)-sensei" He smiled at my dad, stretching as he sleepily crawled out of the bed.

"Okay, but explain why they're sharing a bed with you in the first place." My dad sighed, ignoring Kou all together.

"Well I-"

"Guys you better hurry and get ready. Ruki's gonna be pissed if y'all make us late." Yuma interrupted. He stood in the open doorway, looking between all of us as if he was trying to figure out what the fuck was going on.

 Azusa had sprawled out on the bed, taking up as much space as he could. He looked so peaceful laying there that I kinda wanted to crawl back in bed with him and pretend none of this was happening right now. 

A shirtless Kou had started to make his way out of the room. He lazily walked away from the awkward situation, giving me a small smile before he walked out the door. Yuma clicked his tongue as his brother brushed past him, and followed him out. 

"Wake up Azusa will you?" He asked before closing the door behind him.

"Well?" Dad stood there, arms crossed, waiting impatiently. 

"I don't have a good reason." I sighed. "It just kinda happened and I didn't think it would be such a big deal."

"(Y/n), you let two teenage boys sleep with you! What if something happened? What if they..?" He trailed off; his anger fading away. " I can't bear the thought of something happening to you. You're my little girl. I wouldn't even have known something was wrong. I was just right down the hall, but I slept like the dead." He confessed, becoming more upset as he thought about what could have happened.

"Dad, I'm okay." 

"I know but things could have gone a lot differently. You've always been good at making smart choices. Why are you acting out like this? Skipping classes, fighting at school, and now you're sleeping with random guys. Come on (Y/n), start using that brain of yours again."

"Dad, you know that bitch deserved it and these aren't random guys. They're my friends. I do agree that some decisions I've made recently have been pretty dense, but the past is the past."

"She did," He agreed. A hint of a smile traced his lips before he forcefully pushed it away. "But that doesn't excuse the fact that the whole school saw what happened. You have to be more careful (Y/n). You need to remember that you're not normal, no matter how much you want to be. If The Elders hear about anything suspicious, they'll do anything it takes to keep our secret even if that means..." He trailed off as I gave him a hug.

"Dad, I know. I'll be more careful. I won't end up like Cael. I promise." I said, trying to keep the tears from falling. 

"Good." He said, clearing his throat and pushing me to an arms length. "Now, I think it's time you get dressed and wake that boy up. I'll be waiting down stairs." He said leaving the room. I took a few seconds to pull myself together, before trying to wake the sleeping vampire. 

Cael was somebody I'd never be able to forget, but sometimes I wish I could. It's been years and nobody really talks about him anymore. To everybody else he was the boy who went too far and almost exposed us to the world. The Elders of our society took care of it and it was as if it had never happened, as if he never existed, but I knew differently.

 I grew up with Cael. He was my best friend before Raiden. We were even closer than me and Rai. She might know my secret, but he shared my secret. Now he's just a reminder of what happens when we aren't careful enough and piss off The Elders. Okay girl pull yourself together. Time to stop dwelling on the past. 

"Azusaaa" I whispered, dragging my feet back towards the bed and jumping on Azusa. He only groaned. I laid on his back, brushing the hair out of his face. "Azuuu it's time to get up." 

"Five more minutes" He mumbled.

"Azusaaa we're gonna be late for school if you don't get up and get ready. Also I'm gonna need some clothes, seeing as I've misplaced my shirt." I teased him whispering in his ear.  I sat up, straddling his back, as he began to wake up.

"What do you mean you misplaced your shirt?" He asked, turning his head to look back at me. 

"Well it's exactly what it sounds like." I smirked down at the now blushing boy. 


"Yeah Azu?"

"Not that I mind being under you, but I can't get up if you don't get off me." He looked up at me smirking. My gawd. 'Not that I mind being under you'. The heck Azusa. What happened to my cinnamon roll? I could feel my face flush as I sat there thinking about what Azusa had said.

"Kou, are you in there? Did you soul swap with Azusa while y'all were sleeping?" I teased.

"(N/n). I'm not as innocent as you think, so quit teasing me." He said frowning as he laid his head back down.

"Azu you're just so sweet and kind, I can't really see you having a dark side like the others. I feel like you're more human than they are. Like I'll be okay even if I let my guard slip around you." I spilled my feelings out afraid that I may have teased him a little too much. I rolled off him laying down beside him to look into his eyes. 

"(N/n) you're dumb." He said bluntly, flicking my forehead. I winced both from the insult and the pain. "I'm a vampire just like them, I get hungry just like them, and I have urges just like them. It makes me happy to know that you feel safer around me, just don't think it makes me less than them." He sighed rolling off the bed and off my shirt.

"Well that's nice." I mumbled picking up my shirt as Azusa walked towards the door.

"What is?" He turned around.

"Found my shirt. Looks like you had it the whole time." I answered.

"My bad." He grinned, walking out of the room.

*Sorry this chapter is a little shorter than normal. My mind isn't wanting to work lol. I'll try to update a chapter here pretty soon. Thank you for all the votes and comments!*

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