Rooftop Rendezvous

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3RD P.O.V.

Ayato walked next to (Y/n), trying to keep up with her excited pace as they made their way towards the dining hall. As they walked by, students whispered about (Y/n) and yesterday's event. 

"I can't believe she got off so easily. I heard Daitan got suspended. She only got a few days of detention." 

"I heard she's fucking the Sakamakis. I bet they pulled a few strings to lessen her punishment."

"Yeah I'd believe that. She's always around them. Them and the Mukamis. I bet she's with all of them. Nasty bitch."

"Nasty bitch really? I'd say she won the fucking lottery. I'd kill to be in her shoes." A random girl argued, causing a small smile to grace (Y/n)'s lips. 

Ayato watched the (h/c) continue on with her held high. He knew she could hear them. They may have been whispering, but they weren't actually trying to be quiet. 

"Don't mind them. They're idiots." Ayato smiled, nudging (Y/n) to try and get her attention. 

"Thanks Perv. I'll be fine. It's not the first time and I'm pretty sure it won't be the last. Not with y'all hanging around me." She let out a tired laugh. Her good mood had been ruined. 

"Come on, let's get some food." Ayato smiled as he dragged her towards the front of the line.

"Ayato we can't just cut in line." (Y/n) protested, trying to pull her wrist away from Ayato. 

"We're not cutting dummy." He smirked as he dragged the (h/c) towards his brothers. 

1ST P.O.V.

I smiled once I realized where and to who we were headed; Shu, Subaru, and Kanato. They hadn't noticed us at first but as we got closer they ended their conversation to look in our direction. That was a little creepy if you ask me. It's almost as if they sensed our presence or something.

"Hey guys." I waved lazily. I tried to hold a smile on my face but it faltered when a couple girls behind us snickered. I looked back towards them just for them to quickly look away from me. 

"What's wrong princess?" Shu asked as he reached towards me and pulled me away from Ayato. He wrapped his arms around my shoulders as I leaned back into him. 

"People are talking shit about her. They aren't even trying to be sneaky about it either." Ayato spoke up for me. 

"Really? You'd think they would be too scared to be so bold. Wouldn't you Teddy?" Kanato asked. 

"You would think. Maybe Daitan getting her ass handed to her wasn't enough. Maybe we need to make an example of someone." Subaru cracked his knuckles, looking at a guy who was now laughing with the group of girls behind us. 

"Subaru, it's not worth it." I looked up to him shaking my head. 

"Yes it-" He began to argue.

"Subaru please just don't. If it gets to the point where I can't handle it, I'll deal with it. I don't need anyone getting in trouble for me."

"Fine" Subaru sighed, giving up. 


I took a deep breath as I pushed open the metal door and stepped on to the roof. The fresh midnight breeze blew my hair from my face as I took a seat against the wall. I looked out over the dark horizon noticing the city lights in the distance. 

Ryoutei Academy was pretty much in the middle of nowhere, but that's what gives it its charm. The closest city was a good drive away. I would know because we drive it every morning. No car horns, no distracted pedestrians slowing the flow as they wander around with their eyes glued to glowing screens, and best of all no smog polluting the air. Peaceful. Serene. Refreshing. 

The New Girl (A Diabolik Lovers X reader)Where stories live. Discover now