To the Sakamaki Mansion

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1ST P.O.V.

"I couldn't tell you, but it doesn't matter now. They won't allow me to live for much longer." 

"What do you mean they won't allow you to live? Laito growled. 

"Yes, and who is this 'they' you keep referring to? The Elders?" Reiji asked. Before I could answer their questions the bell rang signaling the end of lunch. None of us moved. Going to class was definitely the last thing on my mind and apparently it was last on theirs too. 

"Yui, go to class." Reiji ordered. 

"But I-" Yui argued. 

"Go. You're not needed here. There's nothing you can help with and it's none of your business anyway." Reiji snapped in frustration. All along they were worried about (Y/n) being a danger to them, and turns out she might actually be. Just not in the way they had expected. 

"Reiji, you don't have to be so mean to her. It's okay, Yui. I'll be fine." I frowned at Reiji as I walked over giving the small blonde a quick hug. "Just go to class. There's no reason for you to get caught up in this mess. That goes for all of you really. I don't want any of you to get hurt, so just go to class and pretend I never existed. It'll be safer that way." I gave them a sad smile as I tried to shoo them away towards class. 

"Yui, Go." Reiji ordered again and she reluctantly listened. The blonde drug her feet as she grabbed her bag and left the rooftop.

"Now tell us what's going on." Reiji frowned as he walked towards me, looking out over the yards as if trying to find what I was so afraid of. 

"They're not here.... yet." I said, tugging on his sleeve to get his attention. "Reiji, if I tell y'all my secret and they find out, all of you would be in danger. I-I don't want to risk your lives like that."

"Amai-chan, you're dumber than I thought. Look around you. Do you think any one of us would give you up so easily? Just forget about you and let you face death alone?"  Laito frowned. 

"You should." I whispered. I couldn't bear the thought of them dying to save me. 

"Why are you giving up so easily? What happened to our spunky, hard-headed, little shit?" Yuma asked. 

"Princess, please just tell us. We can help." I looked up at Shu. A frown covered his face. I looked around the group, all of their faces saying the same thing. They cared. They wanted to help, but couldn't if I didn't give them the whole story or at least part of it. Letting out a sigh, I turned away from them, looking back over the dark landscape. 

"Fine, but I warned all of you. I'm a nephilim. Half angel and half human, a half-breed in your own words. The Elders rule over all of angel and nephilim society, they make sure our secret is kept at all costs. Even if that means killing those of us who are stupid enough to get caught."

"How are you part angel? You don't even have wings." Ayato interrupted. 

"I do, but they're hidden with magic. I had a magical bind placed on my wings when I was about four years old when they started to grow out. The bindings are mandatory and have been enforced for hundreds of years. The bind breaks on our 21st birthday and then we have the choice to either rebind our wings or learn how to pull them out and put them up at will.  One is obviously a lot harder than the other, so most go with the rebinding." I informed them. 

"So the tattoo on your back is actually your wings?" Azusa asked. 

"Yes, but when-?" I asked, turning to look at him. When did he see it? 

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