Vampires Aren't Real!?

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* Small Violence Warning *

~3rd P.O.V~

Ayato peeked into the empty room before dragging Yui in behind him. He released his grip on her wrist as he walked to the counter. He jumped up taking a seat next to the sink. Yui stood in the middle of the room looking around. Pots and pans neatly filled the open cabinets, and everything else was placed in its own little spot. Not a thing seemed out of place, making it look like a prefect little kitchen.

"Ayato what are we doing in here?" Yui asked still somewhat admiring the kitchen.

"I want takoyaki." He stated as he pulled out his phone and began tapping away on the screen.

"T-takoyaki... like the street food?" she squeaked. Ayato slowly looked up from his phone. "I have no idea how to make takoyaki.." Yui confessed.  Ayato clicked his tongue in annoyance before walking to a shelf filled with cookbooks. He searched through them before finding the one he was looking for. 'Japan's Best Junk Food: From Our Streets to Your Home'.  Yui placed the book on the counter before turning to look at the clock above the stove. 

"Ayato we should really be in class.." Yui wrung her hands together, waiting for his response.

" Don't tell Ore-sama what we should be doing you idiot. Now get to cooking Pancake!"  Yui quickly picked up the cookbook and began flipping through its pages. 

"Page 62." Ayato muttered not sparing the blonde a single glance.

She flipped to the page and began gathering ingredients and mixing them together.

~ Smol Time Skip ~ 

"I can't believe I already skipped class and it's only the second day.." Yui muttered to herself as she rinsed off the last dish and placed it into the drainer. "Ayato, help me dry and put up the dishes; I only made takoyaki because you told me to." Ayato finished off the last of the takoyaki before placing his plate in the sink. Yui huffed and began washing the plate, while Ayato stood by watching with a sinister smile on his face. He walked up behind her as she rinsed the plate. Ayato moved her hair away from her neck and leaned down. Yui froze in panic, dropping the plate. Feeling his fangs graze her neck, she moved away and ran towards the other side of the room. 

"Why are you running Chichinashi?" He asked as he stalked towards her trembling form. He reached out grabbing Yui's chin, forcing her to look at him. His dark eyes resembled that of a predator about to go in for the kill.  He bent down, halting only for a second when Yui tried escaping from his grasp.

"Please stop Ayato! Please let me go!." She struggled against him, tears running down her face as she tried to pull away from him. Ayato looked down at the fear ridden girl with a malicious grin stretched across his face.

" That's it... That's the look that gets my juices flowing." He pinned Yui against the wall and tugged down her shirt. " Your skin looks delicious without any fang marks. Ore-sama will take all of your firsts, starting with this one." Yui whimpered as Ayato buried his fangs into her neck.


~ (Y/N's)  P.O.V ~

Hmm...I  wonder what's taking Yui so long.. She's missed half of the class.

" Psst. Kanato, do you know what's taking Ayato and Yui so long?" I whispered. Kanato shrugged his shoulders and returned his attention to the teacher.  I sat up straighter in my desk and raised my hand. 

" Yes, (Y/n) do you have a question?" The teacher called out, pausing his lesson. 

"Can I go to the restroom?" 

The New Girl (A Diabolik Lovers X reader)Where stories live. Discover now