chapter three | grayson

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"Wake up, wake up, wake up asshole!" Of course Ria would wake me up this fucking early. I let out a groan.

"Ria get out!" I yelled "No can do, ugly boy." She said in a singing voice, she got on my bed and started jumping on it.

I sat up and threw her a pillow making her fall of my bed. "Owww! I've been injured, is that the light I see." She said spread on the floor like a starfish.

I roll my eyes at her dramticness "Hmm glad you're injured so now I can actually kill you!" I say getting up, but as soon as I did she got up and ran out of my room. I smirked knowing she won't be coming in here for about 5 minutes.

I go into my bathroom and do everything I need to do. I end up just wearing a black hoodie and some grey sweatpants, no one I need to impress today.

I grab my phone and check that it's barely 8:30 am, it's a fucking Saturday. As I put my phone up theirs a knock on my door.

I already know who it is "don't come in!" I yell "Too late don't care!" Ria yells back as she is coming in. She jumps onto my bed and lays like a starfish. 

I sigh and turn to face her crossing my arms at my chests. "What do you want?"

"Ouch I thought I was your fav sister." She says with a fake pout. I flip her off "you are my only sister, dumb ass." She lets out a gasp "I'm telling mo- ha oh wait we don't like her." She says smirking at me I let out a chuckle.

"But nah really what do you want." I say. She rolls her eyes at me "The love of your life came back last night." She says making a hashtag with her fingers "hashtag team evray"

"Yeah that's it I'm killing you." I say she quickly gets up and starts running around, me chasing after her."Ahh help me el feo de mi hermano (the ugly of my brother) is going to murder me!! I'm to hot to dieeee!"

"Yeah right well your little amigas say other wise." I say back with that I pull on her hair making her go back "pinche puto (fucking bitch)!" She yells

"Hey you're fucking twelve so stop cussing." I say letting go of her hair she turns to me and hits me, I just roll my eyes "well you are always cussing so I got it from you." She says sticking her tongue out.

"Hey kids what's going on?" Our dad yells from downstairs, we look at each other and say at the same time "nothing!"
                          ♡ ♡ ♡

"You sure you don't want to come with us mijo?" My mom asks, I nod my head "Yeah I have no business going to see her" my mom just lets out a sigh "Alright then, come on Ria let's go." Ria comes up to me "you are a frikin liar, you still care about her Gray and she's back so try to fix things. Okay" she says giving me a sympathetic smile.

I sigh and just nod, with that they go over to Everest's house. I go into my kitchen and see what I want to eat since I haven't been able to because Ria has been a pain in the ass.

  Let me explain a few things. First I'm Grayson but I go by Gray, and the only person who I would never throw a fit about calling my full name, is Everest, well more like was.

   When I was thirteen and she was twelve she came over to my house and was all sad, she had told me she was moving to fucking London! All because her parents were offered a better job over there. I mean I was happy for them, but they were taking the only girl I had ever loved more than just a friend.

   When she told me I just couldn't handle it and I blamed her for everything, but gosh I was so stupid.

The reason I blamed her was because I needed to hate her and if I didn't I would have to see her have a perfect life without me, a life with new friends that I wouldn't be included in, and new guys that wouldn't be me. So the first thing that came up to my dumb mind was to say I hated her and I never wanted to see her again.

If I'm being honest And I may sound cringe , but she's the only girl I have ever cried for, I mean for gods sake I made a hole in my wall when I heard she was leaving.

Yes I was just thirteen but the way this girl made me feel I had never felt for no one, and not to this day.

She was always there for me and for Ria. Those nights when my parents would come home and didn't want to see them,  I would go over to hers and spend the night there, where I would hug her and she played with my hair, damn I really miss her,  I mean I don't now.

Sometimes I would hear Ria talk on the phone with Everest and she would talk with her for hours, and I wished that was me, but god for some reason my ego is to high and I don't want to admit how much I missed her, how much I was in the wrong, and how much I just want to touch her.

I sound like a creep!

But Everest is back now and I have no clue what is going to happen, if I want to make a change I have to talk to her, but I just can't, of course it's my fucking ego.

"Well just row with the boat" I say to myself as I grab my bowl of fruit loops and head upstairs once again.


surprise! This chapter  is in his POV!
There will be many chapters on his point of view since I'm making it a dual POV :)

It if it seems boring now please give it a chance I promise it'll get better, we just need to fill some holes up :p

As always see ya next chapter byeee

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