chapter seventeen | eve

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"That's such a cute picture, you better send it to me!" Makensie exclaims as I show them the picture we took. "Okkk let me post it on insta real quick." I say. "You better tag me!" Diana says as she finishes putting on her mascara.

I let out a laugh "okok I will D."

So we arrived last night and our parents let us share a room and now the party starts in like

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So we arrived last night and our parents let us share a room and now the party starts in like... well actually it already started, but hey we'll be fashionably late.

"Alright let's go girls." Makensie says as she grabs her phone. We grab our phone too and walk out the door.

"This hotel is so fancy!" D says as we walk to the elevator. "Omg I know, and the pool is literally upstairs so we have to go after the ceremony." I say as I click the button.

"Pool party!" Makensie squeals making us laugh.

We make it to the floor where the gala is going on. There's a guard at the door "good evening ladies, may I have your names please." He says looking back at his board.

We give him our names and he opens the door for us.

We step in and HOLY SHIT.

"Umm maybe next time let's not be late." I whisper as everyone eyes are on us.

We walk down the stairs and I make eye contact with Grayson and damn.

He so fine lord have mercy!

"Well who would have thought you three girls could look even prettier." Chris says. "Aww thank youuu." We all say.

We start talking about everything and how pretty the room looks.

I'm sitting down beside Grayson on one side and on the other it's Diana.

I'm looking around when I feel a warm hand on my thigh.

I look at Grayson "hmm?" I say. He leans forward and I let out a breath when his lips touch the tip of my ear.

"Pretty isn't the word I would describe you right now." He whispers. I lean back "then what would you say?" I say raising an eyebrow he looks me up and lets out a dark chuckle " I don't think you want to know."

Holy shit.

"Hmm I guess you won't find out what I think of you right now." I say as I grab my drink and take a sip of it.

The only word to describe him is hot!

We sit around for a couple more minutes his hand never leaving my thigh.

"Well we see a lot of couples so come on down and let's start this dance." The lady with the microphone says.

Makensie quickly stands up and grabs Carter's hand and he does what she says like always.

Marcus gives Diana a smirk and pulls her up as well she lets out a groan "Marcus Allen, I don't want to" "well I don't care" he says and takes her to the dance floor.

"I'll be back that girl over there is just my type." Chris says as he stands up I look his direction and I see this very pretty girl standing and talking to her mom.

She has such a pretty chocolate skin color and her hair oh my gosh it is too die for!!

Grayson lets out a chuckle "you got this ma boy." He says dapping him up

Chris walks away and I turn to Grayson "you still like to dance?" He asks me "umm hell yes it's my all time favorite thing you dumbass." I say flicking his forehead.

"Ouch don't call me a dumbass." He says. I let out a laugh and just shake my head "and you? Still not a great fan of it?" I ask him this time.

He shakes his head no "nah not really, but do you want to go dance?" He says standing up extending his arm for me.

My eyebrows raise in surprise "but you just said you don't like to dance Grayson Kai."

"Well I don't but you do so let's go." He says as he grabs my hand and leads the way to the dance floor.

Literally marry me right now.

Once we get there he puts his hands on my waist and I put them behind his neck.

The music starts and it's "see you later" by Jenna Raine.

We start and I can't meet his face, every time I listen to this song reminds me of us.

"Please look at me." Grayson pleads in a low voice.

You just broke my heart even though
You've promised you never do that from the start

I look up at him our faces closer than before.

His eyes goes down to my lips and back to my eyes.

We sway to the music just taking in the moment with no words being said.

As long as you're near, I'll be here
Even if it takes ten years

The song ends but we're both just staring at each other taking in every feature.

I'm the one to look away when people start clapping brining us back to reality.

He smiles at me and grabs my hand as we walk back to the table.

"I'll be back, I'm going to the restroom ." I say he gives me a nod and I start walking to the restroom.

Once I'm inside i take a deep breath. "Get it together Everest." I say as I look at myself in the mirror.

Once I compose myself I step out of the restroom I'm about to turn the corner to where the actual reception is when I bump into someone.

Hey my luvs!!

This chapter was so cute to write! And the song in here is literally my favorite right now and reminded me so much of my two babies, Eve and Gray, so I just had to use it!!

But anyways see ya at the end of next chapter byeee<3

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