chapter nineteen | grayson

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Last night was for sure the best night of my life. After we finished talking we got out of the pool and I walked her all the way to her room.

Now I'm debating if I really want to go downstairs and eat breakfast.

"Alright im hungry let's go get food." Marcus groans.

"Yeah me too, let's go mother fuckers." Carter says getting up.

"Fine fine If you insist." Chris says back falling off the bed.

"Ehhh I think I'm good." I say leaning back on the backboard of the bed.

Carter gives me a deadpanned look "you are just scared you're going to see Eve there and won't know what to say after last night." He says fixing himself in the mirror.

Yes I told them, what?! us guys tell each other everything.

"Dude how many girls have I had one night stands, and yet I never get nervous." I say standing up defending myself.

"Mmm that's because none of them were ever Eve." Chris lets out a snort "boy you just kissed her." He says eating some skittles.

I make a double look and look at him

Where the fuck did he get those from?

"Where did you even-" I say pointing at him but before I can finish he cuts me off.

"Tsk tsk don't try changing the conversation." He sings back.

I just let out a sigh and roll my eyes.

"BROSKIES LETS GO I AM HUNGRYY." Marcus whines already out the door.

We all follow him and make it to the elevator.

Once we're down here a lot of the guest are here already including our parents and the fucker I punched yesterday too.

Carter let's out a snort when he sees Walters nose "damn Romano you really broke it." He says letting out a chuckle

Yeah I told them that too

I just shrug "what can I say, got to do what you got to do."

We get our food and sit at a table big enough for the girls to fit. While we eat we talk about our last hockey game of the year.

Our biggest one yet against our rivals, Daniel and Walter's team.

I'm about to take a sip of my drink when someone ruffles my hair

"Hey losers." Everest says as she sits beside me.

We all say hi and continue to eat.

"What's the plan today?" Carter asks all of us.

Makensie shrugs "I don't know, but it's our last day because we have early and late practice for skating." She says eating a strawberry.

"Damn so you're leaving early?" I say turning to face Everest.

She nods her head "yup."

damn I wanted to take her out somewhere.

"Who is taking y'all back?" Chris asks

"My parents. A very important meeting came up so they have to go back anyways." Everest answers as she lays her head on my shoulders making me tense.

I look to see Chris and Marcus wiggling their eyebrows. And I give them a sarcastic smile while flipping them off.

"Ohh okok" I say.

"But whatever y'all want to do I'm down for it." Diana says.

"Jumping of a building?" Marcus suggests.

We all look at him like if he's crazy.
Cause he sure is.

            ♡ ♡ ♡

"Alright bye losers!" Diana says as she gets into the car. "Byeee" we all say back next Makensie gives Carter a kiss before going inside the car too.

I face Everest who already is looking at me. I look down at her lips and back up her eyes.

She gives me a look before hugging me. "We have something to talk about when I get back." I whisper into her ear.

Which she just nods in response.

She gets in the car and waves bye to everyone else.

I look back at the guys who all have knowing looks.

"Yeah she's totally your soulmate."

Heyyyy guysss!! Sorry for not uploading and this being a short chapter I have been really really busy:/

But I was thinking this through and I'm making this book way shorter than intended because I want to work on Those Angel eyes and as well as many other books who already have like three chapters to them!!

But Idk I'll let y'all know what I  do, but see ya at the end of next chapter byeeeee<3

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