chapter sixteen | eve

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Overwhelmed is the word that best describes me at the moment.

I just got here and we already have competition in one month. I let out a frustrated groan as I put my shoes on.

Today is Friday meaning we are going shopping today and leaving today for the gala.

Just great.

"Are any of you two stressing out." Diana says as she uses her hand as a fan to blow air onto her.

"Ugh believe me I am going to kill myself." Makensie says.

"Me too, ms. Lavinski is going hard on us for competition." I say as we exit the gymnasium.

"All I want at the moment is a hug from Carter." Makensie says as we walk to her car.

"I want someone to make me feel safe like he does to you." D says as she shakes Makensie.

I let out a laugh. "me too D."

"Alright see you there." I say as I hang up. "So Chris said they are at the food court." I say to D and Mak as we walk into the mall.

"Alright, to get food then." Diana says pointing forward then grabbing both our arms.

"Hey losers." We three say. Sup and heys is what we get in response.

They looked depressed too.

I look at Grayson and frown. He has a bruise on his lip.

I walk up to him "what happened?" I say as I look at him.

He lets out a sigh "someone made me, well us mad." He says pointing at the guys.

Makensie studies Carter's face and frowns to "what happened babe?" She asks.

"Nothing for y'all to worry about." He says giving her a kiss. 

"Really Marcus, you too." Diana says as she touches one of his bruises making him wince.

"That hurts women." He whines "oopsies" she says.

I walk to Chris and look at him. "Well you don't have any." I say crossing my arms. "Nah, cause I wasn't In it, fun fact I was actually grabbing some candy and then bam Gray-" he's cut off by Grayson covering his mouth.

"That's enough information" Grayson says. 

He looks down at me and nods his head to the food court "Cmon let's go get something to eat." He says.

"We'll meet back at this table." Carter says. We all nod and we all go our ways to get something to eat.

Grayson grabs my hand and turns around to face me. I don't know why but something isn't right.

I wrap my arms around him in a hug and he instantly relaxes hugging me back.

"This feels nice." He says fixing his head onto the crook of my neck. "Mhm it sure does." I say.

When I hug him I feel safe you know? Like all the stress just leaves my body, to me he is the definition of a best friend and more. But how can I tell him he means to me more than just a friend? He has always meant more to me, but I'm just not ready for him to know.

I break the hug and give him a small smile "come on time to go eat and shop."

♡ ♡ ♡

"Somethings off with the guys." D says as we look through the dresses.

"I know, Carter isn't acting like himself." Makensie says picking up a dress from the rack.

"If they don't want to tell us they'll tell us soon, right?" I ask.

"Well let's hope they do." Makensie says.

"Oh my gosh this is so cute." I say as I look at myself in the mirror.

I am wearing a black dress with a slit on one leg and a v shape at my chest. It really makes my body look nice.

"Yes you have to get that!" Diana says as she looks into my fitting room.

"Girl red is your color!" I exclaim as I look at her dress. It's a satin red dress with a bigger slit on one leg.

"Girls this. Is. It." Makensie says a she walks into the fitting room where we are currently at.

I let a gasp "you have to get it." I say  "literally fucking hot ." D says.

Makensie is wearing a pearl kinda cream color dress that has a v neck type of thing.

We meet up with the guys after we have bought our dresses and they have bought there suits.

"Well I have to get home and start packing as well as tell ria." Grayson says as we all walk out of the mall.

"When do your parents get here?" Chris asks. "Uh probably around two more hours." Gray answers.

"Well can I go with you since we came in Maks car and you are literally my neighbor." I ask Grayson. He looks at me and says "I'll take you anywhere." He says.

Oh I know you can and will.

So what do you think happened to my poor babies:( I am literally in love with Chris, like he is always 7th wheeling and eating literally my soulmate!!

But anyways next chapter will be pretty cool, cause some unwanted people are going to show up;)

Anyways see ya at the end of next chapter byeeee<3

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