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THIS TIME, IT WAS Mab's turn to take them to their destination. Chalice understood why everyone was cross with Morgana, but no one bothered to take a moment to understand where he was coming from. No one, except for Chalice. Because as the village of Fells came into view around them, they felt that familiar dread, that urge to leave to keep the druids safe. If Mordred found them here, their people were doomed.

"We can't be here," they told Mab. "If he finds us, he'll kill them."

"This is the best place for us to be," she replied. "It's a village full of Gifted beings, and it's got your precious lake. If Mordred is to fight us again, I would rather fight him here."

"You don't get to decide that," said Chalice. "They didn't ask to be a part of this, they're innocent!"

"That they are," said Mab. "But so are the Fair Folk lining up to fight. This war involves all of us, and your people have been a part of this for centuries. There is a reason Vivien sent you here."

Chalice clenched their jaw, trying to swallow the lump in their throat, but a tear slipped from their cheek despite their best efforts to prevent it. "Well then, don't be upset when it's Morgana's company I choose to be in today."

With that they turned away, leaving Mab and the others. They sought out their family, the village members, and spent deliberate time with each of them as they were greeted. Mab brought the war to them, and they knew that all of Fells would not make it through this fight. They'd need to find a way to protect the children and the elders, who were too fragile, but they didn't know what to do yet. For now, they just wanted to see them.

When they found Cian, they were pulled into a tight, warm embrace. He was a full head shorter than them, but they were used to being taller than everyone else, and it was comforting, the way he melted into their long arms. "Oh, Chalice, I've missed you," he said.

Chalice pulled back, giving him a once over. "Are you alright? Has anything happened to Fells while we were gone? It feels like it's been forever."

Cian shook his head. "No, nothing bad. We've been safe."

"Good. Good. Excellent." They were looking anxiously up at the sky, but there were no clouds around them for miles.

"Is something wrong?" Cian asked.

Chalice fidgeted with their hand. "Yes, but I don't want to raise a panic. Listen, the Unseelie Queen... she brought us to Fells. A very dangerous man is going to find us, I'm sure of it, and we need to be ready for when he does. But that means... I'm sorry, Cian, I couldn't change her mind. He's coming here"

"How can I help?" Cian asked eagerly.

They blinked. "You're not upset?"

"'Course not. This battle has been a long time coming, we've prepared for it since Camelot fell." He nodded towards the center of the village. "Come with me."

"Wait, Cian," they said, and he paused. "About Camelot... You see, it didn't disappear. The Fair Folk tricked us, let us think this kingdom was Avalon. But Avalon is what disappeared, that's what we need to get back."

He blinked at them. "Well, that's not shocking, but I don't see how it's relevant. Come on, we've got to tell the others."

They grabbed his arm. "Wait," they demanded again, and he rolled his eyes.


"It is relevant, because I think... I think maybe this is Avalon. Fells. That's why Mab took us here."

Cian chuckled. "Fells is an ancient druid village, there has never been anything else special about it. And there are no entries to Faerie for a long, long way."

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