The Farm

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DISCLAIMER: swearing, triggering themes, racial slurs (Please grow up, (I mean no harm, it's a book), etc etc lets get on with it

"Grandpa please!" The rain hammered against the glass door to the Derry Deli. A looming figure stood in front of me with a sour frown on his face as he slammed his cleaver into the ribeye on his chopping block. "Damnit (Y/n) I said no! I don't want you hanging out with those cursed freaks after everything that's gone on round here!" I placed my hands on my hips and narrowed my eyes at him with a sneer. "You mean the disappearances, that they had nothing to do with? you mean the completely justified investigation since no one else in this town seems to give a damn!?" I threw my hands up in exasperation as his mood only soured. 

"Language (Y/n)! I'm sure I don't need to remind you everything that seems to mysteriously revolve around them! The cursed child, the hypochondriac, the negro whos parents were burnt alive, the new fat kid who's on Bowers bad side, the chick that goes around smoking and fucking every boy on the block, the cowardly Jew, and the vulgar nerd!? those are the people you want to hang out with!?" I stomped over and slammed my palms on the table in front of him, the words that shot from my tongue were venom but I couldn't hold them back. Not anymore, not after all of these years.

"Yes! You can't keep me in here forever! None of them are cursed or at fault, and Beverly is not a slut!" I walked away and snatched up my little yellow rain coat beginning to storm out while listening to the old man's protests. I turned back to him one last time just to give him a final slap in the face. "What happened to mom wasn't my fault either, neither was dad running away." With that I left slamming the door behind me as the bell in the corner rang in protest.

Then I ran. I ran as hard as I could trying to convince myself that the tears streaming down my cheeks were just rain, that I was glad to be rid of the place, that the past didn't hurt me anymore. I ran until my lungs burnt and my socks were soaked, until my knees and hands were torn with scrapes and I couldn't see the town any longer. It was only then that it all set in. Then I walked.

I walked aimlessly for a couple hours, I didn't even know where I was going. My mind was void of any thoughts and the only sounds were that of the rain pelting my plastic hood. eventually I came to a house and curled up in a ball on the porch under the protection  of the roof. I laid there for so long, it hadn't even been noon when we had fought, but now the sun was starting to set and I was honestly just hoping that this house was abandoned, but I knew I was just kidding myself. It was too warm, to clean to be abandoned.

Shoes began thumping up the few wooden steps to the porch and a gentle yet calloused hand met with my shoulder. looking up sluggishly my eyes were met with those of the neighborhood outcast, Mike. "Hey uh-... Pa says you had better get inside or scram." he rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly before extending the hand to me. "(Y/n) right? from the deli? You um... you care to stay for dinner?"

I looked at him in awe and cautiously took his hand as I nodded slowly, this man had never seemed so beautiful before than he was in this moment. "Yes please, I'm sorry if I caused you any trouble." He shook it off and pulled me up guiding me inside the warm house. "It's no trouble at all, I hardly ever see you out of the back room anyway. I'm Mike by the way, Mike Hanlon."

I smiled and nodded as he politely took my rain coat and hung it up to dry before leading me to the dining room where his family awaited. "So, it was alive after all." the eldest of them spoke first, where Mike was gentle and kind this man was rough and hardened by tragedy after tragedy and a very hard life. "Yes sir, I'm sorry to have caused you any worry or trouble." I hung my head while apologizing politely as the man nodded. "No harm no foul, so whatchu' doin' so far out here, and all on your own for that matta'?"

I hung my head even lower as tears pooled in my eyes again, but I refused to let them fall. "I ran away, I just couldn't do it anymore... I'm sorry if I sound spoiled or even naïve, but every day is just painful. He blames me for it all; mom's death, dads abandonment, being thrown on him, having to pay to feed and clothe me; and I just couldn't do it any more. He seemed like he wanted to be rid of me so bad, but I wasn't even aloud outside of the shop that we lived in sir. I apologize, you probably didn't want to hear my life's story, but I'll be out of your hair if you will just please let me stay here for a night?" when the tears seemed they weren't going to fall I looked up at him and tilted my head just slightly to the left hoping he would be in a good mood, good enough to harbor a stranger at least, a white stranger at that.

"Whatever, you can take the spare. it ain't been touched in years." He glanced at make for a second before his eyes met mine again. "But if you gonna' stay here you gonna' work. You got that?" I nodded and grinned. "Yes sir, I won't let your kindness go unpaid." He leaned back in his chair with a curt nod and motioned to Mike who stood beside me. Go on then boy, show em' to the room." Mike nodded and grabbed my wrist dragging me gently up the stairs. "Sorry for all the dust, no one has even opened this door since-... Well, in years. it was my parents." My eyes widened a bit in shock, it was special that they let me stay here, especially in that room of all rooms. the rest of the night was spent discussing my chores and how I would be homeschooled with Mike, going to bed was probably the fastest I had fallen asleep in weeks, especially knowing that Mike was only a room away. As my eyes drooped closed I could have sworn I heard laughter, must have been Mr. Hanlon.

There it is! the first chapter of this reboot, I think it's turning out well so far! I'm taking it a bit slower than the last time, but I think it's going well. I'll try to get more out, but don't forget to yell at me in the comments, sometimes the comments ae the only thing motivating me to write lol. Author chan out!

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