First Ecounter

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Waking up the next day was freeing. It was a little daunting at first to realize what I had actually done, but I couldn't go back now, so what was the point in worrying? Pulling the covers off I sat up in bed and stretched. Just then came a knock at the door, the knock was harsh and I was lucky that the hinges clung desperately to the frame. "C'mon, breakfast is on the table. I want you down in five, got that?" Jumping to my feet I ran my hand through my hair and looked down remembering that I had nothing to change into. Deeming myself presentable I swung open the door and looked up at Mr. Hanlon with a small smile. "I'm ready now sir." 

A look of shock crossed his face followed by a small smirk. "Well I'll be a sun of a gun. Get down there and eat, I hope you have a strong stomach because what we do down here ain't for the feint of heart. " he walked over a few steps and banged on the door harder than he had even banged on mine. "Damnit boy, get your ass out of bed!" Next door I could hear Mike fall out of bed and rush around. His door flew open seconds later and there Mike stood with a stoic look on his face. "I'm here sir."

"Bout time, it's an early day so you best work hard." Mike nodded and walked politely past his grandfather leading me downstairs. It wasn't long before we were in the barn and I got a taste of what farm life was like, it was tough for sure, but the hardest part was the look in Mike's eyes as he held the gun to the sheep's head. Mike's conscience was so pure, too clean. Even this simple act of 'survival of the fittest' took everything out of him. It was good to know that people like Mike still exist.

By the time work ended I was about ready to pass out, but when Mike offered to bring me along to meet his friends I couldn't refuse. How could I? I had given up my entire life, everything I ever knew just to hang out with them. This was my chance, now I just needed to not blow it. I hitched a ride on the back of Mikes bike, my nerves were off the charts as we pulled into town. Not many people in town new I existed, let alone what I looked like, so maybe I would be safe?

My fears eased a bit as we slowed to a stop and walked the bike the rest of the way up to Bill's garrage. "Hey Bill, I didn't realize we got a plus one to this shindig, especially not one from out of town." I rolled my eyes as I heard the ever familiar sound of Richie's shrill voice. "You don't recognize me? Sorry, let me introduce myself. I'm the one who was screwing your mom last night, I didn't want her to feel left out after I gave your dad a blow-job that morning." 'Damn it' I thought to myself. 'So much for not blowing it.'

Just then Beth rolled up and slapped Richie over the shoulder playfully. "Ohhh they got you, how's your own medicine taste Richie?" She smirked and we all went inside, Mike pulled the door down behind us as Bill smoothed a poster onto the wall. "The sewer system?" Everyone turned to me and I suddenly felt that I stuck out like a sore thumb, I took a breath and raised my hand waving it a bit. "Hi, I'm (Y/n), the butcher's runaway granddaughter." They looked between themselves, a few of them nodding a couple times, before deciding to catch me up to speed.

"Th-there are th-th-things g-going on-on here, ter-terrible, horrib-ble th-things. The d-disapp-ppearanc-ces for o-one, and o-other things th-that sou-sound a lot cr-craz-zier." Richie piped up almost interrupting Bill. "Oh yeah, I think only virgins can see this shit because they've been saying they see crazy things. Heck, not too long ago they went and did some major cleaning on Beth's bathroom because it was all caked in blood or something. That's what they told me at least, oh and some other messed up things. Paintings, lepers, dads, burnt children and parents, deceased siblings, clowns. And thats only a few." Eddie whacked Richie over the head and turned to me. "He's right, even if he sucks at explaining it. Bill thinks he's onto something though."

"Alright, then let's see it." Everyone sat down, I sat in front of the projector on the floor, as Bill popped in a slide and began explaining his findings. Before long though, things began to go haywire. Slides started popping on there own, pictures becoming slightly off, but it kept getting worse faster and faster. Everyone was freaking out, we all backed up as someone tried unplugging it. I half crab walked back in too much of a panic to get off of the floor. Then I saw it.

"G-guys..." I whispered with my finger pointed at the screen. While they were all already looking at the screen it was now that they actually began seeing. As the slides flipped the woman's hair blew out of her face bit by bit until it was revealed. It's snow white face with cherry red lips that matched the stripes over it's eyes and it's fiery red hair. It's head seemed disjointed and disconnected from the womans body it sat upon making it all the more unsettling. Then the last slide clicked and it went dark.

Suddenly there it was. It was huge and seemed to be emerging from the projection on the wall, as it thrashed around with jittery quick movements I backed into a corner and watched as time slowed. I looked down at my hands confused by the sudden shift, when I looked back up to the room I was met with the Clowns face, in normal size, right in front of my own. He was huge, even for normal size, he was leaning down to me with his head tilted ever so slightly.  His silk clad finger rested on his red grinning lips, he pulled back up and held his hand out to me. I was confused at first and glanced between his face and hand several times before slowly unfurling and reaching out. Just as my hand landed on the soft white silk on his palm there was a loud crack.

I looked around and noticed four things initally, one was that time was moving normally again, two was that the clown was completely void from the room, three was that the projector lay on the ground, and four was that I was still half on the floor with my hand hanging in mid air. I pulled my hand back and looked at it trying to calm my racing heartbeat.

As me and Mike rode home on his bike all that was going through my mind was what had just happened, I'm sure it was the same for Mike too. By the time we made it home we had processed some of what had happened and as I lay in bed that night I stared at my hand for hours. I had never been more scared, my options were either take his hand and pray he wouldn't kill me, or refuse and also risk death. I clasped the hand to my chest taking a shaky breath and closed my eyes. "Tomorrow is another day..." I whispered to myself before committing to sleep and letting the exhaustion of the day overtake me.

Woo hoo, two chapters!!! Finally we met the first of the clowns!!! Last time we met Junior for the first time all of the comments were just split between "give me the cotton candy" and thirsting over him. Fond memories lol. Anyway, I'll try to keep working on these so stay tuned! Author chan out!

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