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I peeked open one of my eyes to be met with the face of another clown. "Sleep well Doll face?" I jumped and reeled back almost rolling off of the raft, thankfully though the clown caught me before disaster could strike. He chuckled and picked me up with ease, slinging me over his shoulder and walking deeper into the clean concrete tunnels. I looked up from the floor only to see the first clown following us, he smiled and waved at me while sticking his tongue out. I was absolutely terrified, but I couldn't help but find it amusing. It brought a smile to my face until I considered my situation.

I had been kidnapped by two child kidnapping clowns, the kidnapped children were never seen or heard from again, this clown had made himself huge and popped out of a projection on the wall, he had slowed time, burnt my house down, probably much worse things too, and the other clown was a complete other story that I had only seen the cover of. Those thoughts weighed on my mind and made my small smile fall as well as triggered some serious squirming. "Hey hey hey kid, I would hate to drop you, especially before we hit the carpet..." this, however, only caused me to squirm more. There wasn't any hope of escape, but at least I could die fighting instead of letting myself be slaughtered.

"Damnit, Junior take it. You're better at carrying things like that, damn tall beans and shit..." he sounded disgruntled and I watched as after he handed me over to this alleged 'Junior' he stuffed his gloved hands into his pockets and pulled out a box of cigarettes and a lighter. He made quick work of lighting it as we kept walking and he shoved the things back into his pockets. Although I kept squirming, it was more like thrashing at thus point, Junior hardly seemed to notice. "Pennnnnnny, I'm huuungrrrry" junior whined while we neared a door. "We're almost there, just be patient." Junior grumbled but nodded. I heard the rattle of keys and we paused for a minute, then squeaking was heard and we were moving again, until I was dropped onto a rather large black suede couch.

"Tada!" Junior stood in front of me with his arms out reminding me of an X. Then Penny shuffled over with his hands in his pockets with a resting bitch face on. "Welcome to home sweet home, make yourself comfortable Doll." He walked off into another room while Junior plopped down onto the couch next to me and picked up a box. 'Oh god here it comes' I thought. Inside of that box would be a rabid animal that would maul me while they laughed and watched, or maybe a cruel torture device, or even something to keep me alive while they harvested my limbs one by one so I would stay fresh longer? Junior's eyes lit up as he opened the box, and inside my worst fears had been realized! I was right it was- ... balloons? Those weren't scary...

Junior began blowing the balloons up and tying strings to the ends, somehow they float as if filled by helium... just watching him blowup balloon after balloon made me light headed. Soon enough I turned away just in time to see penny come back. 'Now it's time!' I thought. He had just finished setting up the kitchen to butcher me, or maybe the torture room, maybe he had just grabbed some horrendous tool and shoved it into his deep long pockets. It was then that I noticed the plate in his hand. "Geez no wonder you're so hungry, she's practicality pre-cooked in fear... great self control." He nodded with a satisfied look on his face and handed the plate of steak to Junior along with a small head pat. Junior leaned into Penny's hand purring a bit causing him to smirk trying to stifle a chuckle. "Pf-fuckin cat." I smiled at the interaction until Penny turned to me with a tilted head. "Damn, it was there for a second." He looked around thinking before seeming to get an idea.

He smiled at me, I flinched at first until I realized what was happening. I watched him a moment before smiling back. His eyes lit up and his smile became a bit more genuine. You want something to drink? We've got teas, sodas, milks, juices, and water fresh from the aquafer." I nodded and quietly spoke to him for the first time. "Yes, could I please just have a glass of water?" He seemed happy enough as he shuffled back into the room that I can only assume was the kitchen. He came back a moment later and held the glass out to me. "Here ya go, nice cold water." I looked up at him and reached for the glass remembering my restraints. "Could um... could you please unchain me?" A look of realization flashed across his face as he pulled a key out of his pocket and undid the lock, gingerly unwrapping the thinner chains from my raw, red, wrists. "Thank you." I took and eyed the glass suspiciously. After deeming that it was safe visually, I took a small sip and he sat on the other side of me picking up a magazine and flipping through the pages.

"Let me know if you need any bandages for those Doll Face." I nodded while peeking over his shoulder at the magazine. It was a cooking/baking magazine surprisingly. I resisted the smile tugging at my lips as I looked away and over at Junior who was already done with his rather sizeable steak. "Mmmmm You make the best Ki- Steak! that wasn't a kabob silly me!" he laughed and rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly while standing and walking backwards to take his plate to the kitchen. Penny shot him a glare which caused Junior to jump and walk straight... into a wall. He took a couple steps back, startled, before walking into the room. Penny shook his head and set down the magazine. "I need to talk to that kid... why don't I show you where you'll be staying?" He stood and turned holding a hand out to me with his other hand on his hip. His head was turned to the kitchen where is seemed Junior was eating something, again. 

I took his hand and he pulled me up, he then proceeded to drag me through a maze of hallways and doors until we reached a door with at least three locks, this seemed to displease Penny. "Damnit, I told Junior to get the other two on here a week ago..." He pushed the door open as if presenting the room, his eyes stayed on me as he began his description.  "It's Spacious, got a decently sized bed, you have your own bathroom, books, toys, hobby stuff... We didn't know what to prepare for so we got a variety of stuff." sure enough the room was filled with things. The walls were filled with cabinetry and shelves, each space was filled with possible things to do. The bed was fitted with a variety of pillows and blankets all in a variety of colors and styles as well as some stuffed animals. I took in the room and gently smiled. "Thank you." I walked in and sat on the bed listening to the door close and the sound of the three locks click as well as the lock from the doorknob it's self.

My smile fell as I took in the scene again feeling trapped. Although it was homey a cage with a picket fence is still a cage none the less. I decided on the variety of pillows and blankets that I wanted and folded the rest of the blankets stuffing what I wasn't going to use under the bed. 'I hope everyone is ok...'

Hello, I'm so sorry that this is coming out late!! My next few days are going to be hectic so please expect a wonky schedule and then a schedule adjust. I hope you guys still like the story and aren't too mad at me, Author chan out!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2021 ⏰

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