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I was awoken sometime in the night by Mike viciously shaking me and almost dragging me out of bed with panic written on his face. "It's going to burn (Y/n), (Y/n) It's going to burn everything. We need to get out." Before I could argue he was rushing me down the stairs and outside peeking over his shoulder every two minutes. "Mike?... Mike!" I finally pulled out of his strong grip that left my wrist raw and red, cradling the sore to my chest I looked between him and the house that now seemed to be ablaze.

I could feel the heat against my face, in some twisted way it was almost a bittersweet sight. And then it dawned on me. "What about the others!? Mr. Hanlon, the sheep your-" Mike wasnt having it and grabbed his bike motioning for me to get onto the back. "We can't it's too late. Paw was in the kitchen, the only place it could have started..." I went hushed and climbed onto the back resting my hands on his shoulders. In a hushed voice I spoke again trying not to let my voice waver. "Mike I- I'm sorry... where will we go?"

He kicked off and began peddling, how or if he could see was beyond me as I could baerly see past the handle bars in the dark. "We're going to Bill's. Worst case he has to sneak us in and we sleep in the basement." I nodded and gripped his shoulders, the closer we got to the town though, the more my unease grew. When we finally arrived Bills light was already on, was this a coincide? We got off and Mike picked up a small pebble chucking it up at Bill's window with a soft 'clunk'. The curtains were drawn a moment later and we saw bills face for a second before it was gone and soon the door was opened. "W-whats up G-guys?"

Bill was pale, almost as if he was sick. His hands trembled gently as he held the door, he looked in that moment like a frightened cat. "Something happened, or we think it did. Can we stay the night? We'll explain insi- What's wrong?" Bill's breath hitched and his eyes went wide as he reached out and harshly drug Mike in. "(Y-Y/n) w-w-watch o-out!" I turned in confusion yet fond nothing. "What's wrong?" Then I saw it. Floating towards me gently was a red balloon with the words printed on it 'I <3 Derry'

Then it popped, and there he stood before me. I found myself frozen as he grinned and yet again held his hand out gently towards me. "Hello (Y/n), wanna balloon?" I was taken aback in awe and before I knew it I found myself slowly nodding my head. His grin turned into a smile and he turned around for a moment, after a moment he turned back and in his hand lay a pristine red baloon animal. "Oh my... Thank you." I hesitantly reached out and plucked the baloon from his hand holding it to my chest with a small smile. Suddenly remembering my friends I glanced over my shoulder, and then the balloon popped, and it went dark.

My head was throbbing, my wrists chafed, but why? Wasn't I at the farm? The fire... Bill's house... the balloon... I slowly and groggily opened my eyes thankfull that it was night, or at least dark. As my eyes adjusted and I woke up more the situation finally clicked. I found myself somewhere in a sewer, yet I hadnt gotten wet. Looking down I found myself on an old decent looking matress on top of a sheet of wood keeping the matress above the water. I stood with the intent to explore but found the water much deeper than I had originally thought. I picked up a nearby stone and dropped it watching as it kept floating down, down, down. I couldn't even see the bottom, even though the water was murky I couldn't justify possibly swimming in shit water to myself, especially since my wrists were bound and it had already been hard enough just to grab the rock, let alone swim.

I curled up on the matress again holding my head in my hands. The headache slowly dulled, then the matress started moving. It was floating into one of the adjacent tunnels, as we neared a sence of panic set it, especially as the grate opened on it's own. I floated for a bit more until I came into an open area that seemed to be where someone lived. The clown began walking out of the water up a set of steps holding a chain that seemed to be attached to the bottom of my little raft. He began shaking off like a wet dog and dumped the chain back into the water  ringing out what he could of his suit before shaking again while mumbling to himself. "Stick her in the well he says, it's not clean he says, you'll be fine he says, well he'd better be ready by now..."

It seemed as if he hadn't noticed my consciousness as I lay there listening to him grumble. There was someone else? Was I not the first one he had kidnapped? Then I heard the shuffling of shoes agianst the stone of the sewer floor. I closed my eyes hoping that who or whatever was coming would be fooled too. Then it was quiet for a while. Had they left?

I peeked open one of my eyes to be met with the face of another clown. "Sleep well Doll face?"

Woo hoo! This reboots first cliff hanger!! Are you enticed yet? Begging for more? Well you'll just have to wait! Btw, I'm taking them a bit more of a domestic couple with a new pet direction, there will still be passionate and aggressive scenes, and the Losers Club will be back eventually, but that's enough spoilers for now. Author chan out!

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