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"AVA quit being such a pussy and just ride a wave, its that easy." jj maybank said to his friend, ava cadell. all of the pouges were already out surfing, but ava was scared, she had never surfed a wave in her life, but jj and the pogues were trying to get her to.

the brown-haired girl bit her lip, standing at the edge of the ocean, "maybe if the ocean wasn't so fucking scary i would; who knows i could get my leg bit off by a shark." she took a deep breath and looked over to the blonde-haired boy, who just rolled his eyes at the girl.

"well hey if you know how to surf, maybe you could be the next bethany hamilton or some shit, that would be cool!" jj exclaimed, causing ava to laugh slightly. "its not that scary when you start i promise, i'll even hold your hand" he joked, causing ava to giggle once more.

ava took a deep breath and nodded, she was still incredibley anxious, but she wanted to get over it. she grabbed a hold of her board and went deep enough so she could get a good wave. getting up on her board she surfed the wave, confidently. the whole group of pouges cheered her on.

"see, we told you it wasn't going to be scary." kylie laughed at ava as all of the pouges got out of the water. kylie and kaiden were siblings, and the people ava was closest to in the group, her and kaiden were even in a relationship.

"you did good love" kaiden looked at ava and smiled, giving her a kiss on the top of the head then wrapping his arms around her.

AVA cadell was a pouge, but she lived in a house full of kooks. her aunt, uncle, and cousin were one of the richest families on figure eight, and ava just happened to live with them, since her parents weren't around anymore. callie and kevin cadell were tough on ava, but they still loved her, they just didn't like how she hung out with the pouges, but niko cadell hated everything about the girl.

niko hung out with guys like topper thornton, kelce smith, and the worst of them all rafe cameron. the cadells and the camerons were really close, so ava had to see rafe often for dinners and such. he was a total dick, and sometimes ava even thought he was a physcopath because of the way he acts. tonight, they had a dinner with the camerons.

"please be on your best behavior tonight ava, and you too niko." kevin said, taking a deep breath and he fixed his tie. tonight they had a dinner with the camerons, and they always liked to make a good impression for them, even though they were very close friends.

niko rolled his eyes at his father, "of course i'll be in a good mood, don't know about ava though..." he bit his lip, giving his cousin a dirty look, causing her to scoff and flip him off.

"alright knock it off! both of you, and come on this is an important dinner, we cannot be late!" callie exclaimed. she sounded a bit stressed out. she grabbed her car keys off of a key hanger and headed off to the car, the rest of the family following.

  they shortly arrived at the families house, going up and knocking at the door, the middle child, sarah opened it.

   "oh hi! my dads just in the kitchen getting the rest of the food ready, you can come in." sarah said with a smile. they all nodded and walked in.

    ava and sarah weren't exactly friends, but they were okay with each other. she was a beautiful girl, and pretty nice too which is why ava could actually tolerate her.

    ava eyeballed the tall boy standing in the kitchen next to his father, she rolled her eyes at him. rafe cameron, he looked back at her, no emotion on her face. when he did that it kind of creeped ava out, she was always wondering what he was thinking.

    soon enough, both the families were sat at the kitchen table together. ava sat across from rafe, and next to sarah. rafe kept playing around with his food, barely eating, and occasinally looking up at the girl in front of him.

   ward and kevin were talked buisness matters, while callie and rose were just talking about the kids. rafe and niko had been excused to go to rafe's bedroom. knowing the boys, they were probably up there getting high, or shitfaced, maybe both.

  "hey ava, do you want to spend the night maybe?" sarah asked the girl, which was a little suprising concidering they weren't friends. but ava would do anything to get out of the house for a night.

   this was the night that the betrayal began...

a/n: hi guys thank you for reading this chapter! please vote it would be very appreciated and i hope you are enjoying betrayal so far! sorry this chapter was a bit short and messy but i promise in the future they will be much better! <3

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