Chapter 1

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About three months ago, Sam and Porcelain decided to run away together from their home town since they didn't like it. No one really knew why they didn't like it, when they got asked they just said that they didn't like to talk about it.

They arrived in Portorosso, a small town in Italy. They decided that they could stay for a while there since it was far enough away from their home country.

They lived happily in Portorosso, for a while. They even fell in love with each other. But one day, everything changed.

Sam was on his way back to the little house they lived in. Since they didn't know anyone there and wasn't old enough or had the money to buy a house they just lived in an old abandoned house. Sam has just gotten them food for the day. Fish. They always ate fish or sometimes fruit they found since they couldn't buy anything. As he was walking on the bridge he bumped into someone and dropped the fish.

Sam: Oh no, I'm so sorry sir.

??: Sir? Haha you're funny, kid. Here let me help you. The boy answered.

??: Here you go!

He gave Sam the fishes.

Sam: Thank you sir.

He hadn't really talked with anyone other than Porcelain since they got here, so he was a bit shy.

Alberto: You can call me Alberto! Alberto Scorfano, that's my name!
he smiled at Sam

Sam: Okay! I'm Sam.
he smiled back at Alberto

Alberto: Do you live around here?

Sam: Uh- not really, i live with my friend a bit away.. but yeah I live in this town!

Alberto: Cool! But hey, i gotta go my dad is waiting for me. I'll see you around!

Sam: Yeah, see ya..

They went separate ways, Sam started running to get home as soon as he could. He wanted to tell Porcelain about the boy. He stopped outside of their house, he was thinking.

"Maybe I shouldn't tell them about it? What if they get mad at me and kicks me out. I'd have no where to go. I should just keep quiet about it."

Sam walked in to the house.

Sam: Hey I'm home!

Porcelain: Finally! I was starving. Give me the fish and I'll cook them.

Sam: Here you go.

Porcelain: By the way, why did you take so long? Usually you get home earlier.

Sam: Oh- I uh- I just had bad fishing luck today! Thats all!

Porcelain: Oh- okay..

After a while the fish is cooked and they sit down to start eating. It's already five o'clock and this is the only meal they eat on a day. It usually takes some time since Sam is fishing with a normal fishing rod.

Sam: I'm sorry I didn't get any fruit. But I was already so late so I didn't want to get any later

Porcelain: It's okay! I'm just glad that we get something to eat. Even tho I'd really like something else then fish for a while. Ugh.

Sam: Haha yeah, I'm tired of it too.

Porcelain: Sam, can i ask you something?

Sam: Yeah! Of course! You can ask me anything, Porcelain!

Porcelain: Do you ever think about our families?

Sam: No not really, why?

Porcelain: I don't I just- don't you think they miss us?

Sam: Maybe. But I don't know and neither do it care about it.

Porcelain: But why not Sam? They were your family after all.

Sam: Yeah and? If they wanted me to stay they shouldn't have treated me so badly.

Sam and Porcelain continue to argue and suddenly Sam walks out of the house. It's almost night, or at least he think so because it's so dark outside. It's not really late, it's just 8:30pm.

"It's not my fault that I get angry easily." Sam thinks to himself.

He walks to the dock and sits down. He looks out over the sea and see something a bit away.
"What is that? Is that a... boat?"
Sam stands up and tries to see better but he ends up falling in the water. He can't get up since the dock is too high up so he just lies there trying not to drown, hoping that the people in the boat will help him up.

After about five minutes the boat has arrived at the dock and the people see Sam. Sam looked at them and realized it was the boy from earlier and someone else, probably his dad.
"Oh no, this is so embarrassing. What should i do?"

Alberto: Uh do you need help?

Sam: Yes please-

As he was dragged up on the boat Sam wondered if Alberto didn't recognize him. When Sam finally was up on the boat and was climbing up to the dock Alberto looked at him.

Alberto: Hey! I know you! I saw you earlier today! I helped you with your fish. Do you remember?

Sam: Uh- yeah I remember. And thank you for helping me.

Alberto: Why are you out here now? It's kinda late you know.

Sam: Heh, yeah I know. But me and my friend kind uh argued so I walked out here.
"Did i really just say that?"

Alberto: Oh okay, I'm sorry about that. You can stay at my house tonight if you want

Sam: I don't know if that's a great idea Alberto..

Alberto: It is a good idea! Your friend is mad at you and you have nowhere to go! So you can stay with me! Right Massimo? He can stay with us tonight right?

Massimo: It's fine. Just don't stay up too long.
After that Massimo walked home.

Sams pov:

Alberto: Woohoo! SLEEPOVER!
He yelled

Sam: Alberto! Shh you could wake up people!

Alberto: No it's fine, they are used to me. Now come on! I have a lot I want to show you!

Alberto grabbed my arm and started running. He had a hard grip on my arm so I couldn't do anything else than follow him. I didn't know where we went. The only thing I remember from that night is his big smile right before he jumped in the water with me. The next thing was just black.


Hello! Author here! I'm not really expecting anyone to read this but if anyone do, hi! Have a great day!
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