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The weekend was uneventful. Except for that one time, when Liz's phone rang and when she checked her caller i.d it said "baby daddy". She was so confused about who the hell was baby daddy. She couldn't remember saving anyone by that name. She answered anyway only to find that it was Jason, letting her know that he'd bought the car seat. She then remembered Sam and how she had smiled when she asked her to save his number. Only Sam would do something like that Liz thought shaking her head.

When monday morning came, Liz got herself and Lu ready to go. Lucky for them, Sam still had her brother's car so she picked them up and they went to work. Liz was worried about what to tell Rose( her boss) about Lu. She wanted to tell the truth but Sam didn't agree. "What if she fires you? And things don't work out with baby daddy? Then you will be left jobless. Just tell her this is your cousin's baby that you are looking after for a while." Liz shook her head "first of all, he is not my baby daddy and second what cousin?" 

"Does Rose know all your family? No ofcourse not. Tell her it's some cousin on your father's side or something. The baby looks enough like you to make it believable."Sam said. There was no arguing with Sam when she had an idea in her head so Liz just kept quiet while she thought things through.
They got to work to find that Rose had gone to some teacher's conference and would only be in the next day. Liz let out a sigh of relief. She now had a full day figure out what to tell Rose.

That evening Jason called to say that he was coming to see the baby. They were waiting outside when he drove up. "Hello" he greeted. "Hi" she said. "How's the baby?" He asked. "Lu, her name is Lu. Stop calling her "the baby" she said. "Okay, Lu then" he said putting his hands up as if in surrender. "I have a surprise for Lu" he said opening the car door. Liz looked in and saw a car seat. "Oh wow! At last you finally bought it." She said. "Come on let's try it out Lulu" she said to the baby as she strapped her in. "She looks good in her seat" Jason said as he peaked over Liz's shoulder. "Yeah" Liz said "you didn't do too badly in choosing this seat, considering you went all alone."

Jason laughed. "I suppose I deserve that since I didn't handle our shopping trip that well. But you'll be even prouder of me when you see what else I bought." He said going around to the the other passenger door. He came back with a pack of daipers and formula and held them up proudly for Liz to inspect. "Wow, you bought those without being asked? And you even got the brands right! Amazing!" Liz exclaimed, making him blush. "Aww, you so cute when your face is all red and flushed." She said laughing. "But, I don't understand why you're bringing me daipers when you should be taking your baby with you. The weekend is over right?"
"Yes, I agreed to look after Lu for the weekend."
"I thought you were taking the job "
"I thought you were putting an ad in the paper."
"Okay, I'm sorry. Can we discuss this though. Please?"
So they stood there for about forty five minutes discussing the situation. In the end Liz agreed to look after Lu for three months. Sort of like a probation period. If after these months they find out that they a compatible and get along well, then Liz will quit her job at the preschool(if she wanted to) and work for Jason full time. Also as soon as the nursery was ready she would go and live with Jason and Lu at Jason's house. She would come home every weekend. It seemed reasonable to both of them. They shook on it and he left.

The following day Liz told Sam about their agreement. She'd also talked to Rose and she didn't mind Liz looking after the baby as long as she didn't ignore her duties to the other children. On Wednesday Jason called to ask Liz if she was busy on Saturday . Lu's mother wanted to see her and Jason needed Liz to come with him because he had no idea how to handle the baby on his own. Liz had nothing planned so she agreed to go with him to the hospital. He also told her that the builders were done and they could go and see the nursery afterwards.
Liz couldn't wait. She had always wondered what those houses she jogged past all the time looked like on the inside. Now she would get a chance to see the inside of one and even live in it for a while. She was sooo excited.

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